PB -
changes -
Paralegal Studies Program - Summary of Planned Changes - Fall 2014 Assessment
Law 1
- work on forming study groups to review before taking quizzes
- show students how to outline their answers to case problems
- spend more time going over how to fill in particular contracts
- provide video tutorial at beginning of semester to all students in the law program on etudes layout and use
Law 2
- participate more in discussion forums
- update forum topics and make more timely and interesting
- have a quiz for each chapter instead of multiple chapter quizzes
- expand on assignments - shorter court opinions, more case briefs
- re-work practical assignments such as sole proprietorship, partnership, Articles of Incorporation
Law 10
- work on more timely feedback and grading
- work on improving student success and retention
- provide instruction at start of semester on how to use and navigate etudes course management systetm
- help students pick their next law class - review each law class, and what is covered in each
Law 11
- clarify questions on exams and make sure they match the textbook
- provide more details in feedback and grading
- work on re-designing the organization of materials and the etudes site
- respond to emails in a timely fashion
- pace assignments more evenly over the semester - and reduce overall number of assignments
- provide more teaching videos
- shorten the discussion forums, make more interesting
- provide more tutoring assistance
Law 12 (Rose)
- more timely feedback on grades with more details
- provide teaching videos
- update and clarify lexis assignments to make more relevant to law 12
- improve clarity on instructions in assignments
- update links and materials
Law 12 (Jordan)
- work on group dynamics and policies on group presentations
- too many assignments - shorten
- some cases too hard to understand and too old and language too old - work on making this simpler for students to understand
- work on simplifying concepts on 3rd party liability and immunity
- provide weekly tests and maybe less reading
- spend more time on legal terminology and vocabulary
- work on clarifying lexis assignments
Law 13
- more timely feedback in grading and responding to emails
- point out how materials are relevant to today's world
- continue with interactive document creation
- comment more on discussion forums
- make sure LASC site used instead of Santa Clara
- provide teaching videos
Law 16
- have test same week it is covered online to avoid confusion
- more timely feedback on grades
- point out where course materials are relevant to daily life
- more videos and materials explaining hearsay
- some reference articles too long
- too heavy on the discussion forums - shorten number
- some links broken. review and make sure all links working
- review and clarify that quiz questions are clearly stated
Law 17
- more timely feedback on assignments
- work on student success and retention
- add additional online resources for background information
- restructure assignments
- do writing assessment at start of semester and refer students to earlier, introductory law classes if they need more law classes before attempting this class which is difficult
- restructure and re-design extra credit assignments
- provide more time and instruction on legal terminology and vocabulary
- more practical, "hands on experience" - possible working in law clinics, etc.
- visit the court house and law library for more practical, "hands on" experience
Law 18
- elaborate more in lectures on the textbook, and cover more textbook information in detail
- cover all of the family law forms required for the class
- more timely grading and feedback
- work on student success and retention
- clarify questions on quizzes and make sure they correspond with correct chapter
- provide a full 7 days for students to complete their assignments
- explore better way to attach family law documents to etudes
- redesign and restructure quizzes and assignments for this class
Law 19
- update links and materials
- more timely feedback
- too many assignments, trim them down
- more videos
- more updated cases and resources
- make instructions clear and remove redundant materials
- provide more actual samples of bankruptcy and eviction forms
Law 20 (Gudino)
- more timely response to emails
- provide more details and more examples to assignments
- questions on #6 assignment need to be revised to make clear
- update questions on Probate Court site assignment
Law 20 (Rose)
- provide more explanations and feedback on grading
- add materials to class to make it more interesting and engaging
- more timely grading of assignments
- provide more instructional videos on how to fill in the forms
- provide more details and coverage on simple and complex wills
Law 34
- update forums, reduce number, add question forums for each week, and give credit for class participation in weekly questions, conduct video conferences each week and cover final paper from start of the class
- update lexis assignments
- develop materials and strategy for helping students to find difficult cases
- provide more materials, and tutorials on writing the thesis statement
updated: 1/12/15 @ 4:59 pm
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