



 combine sections

1. Fennoy

2. Echevarria

3. Reynolds

4. Covitt

5. Gellert

6. Waktola

7. Brown

8. Par Mohamadian

9. Gina Ladinsky

10. Veronica Cox

11. Thomas Folland


gary covitt not GCOVI but GCOV
mike reynolds not JREYN  but MREYN

debby wong is KWONG and not DWONG
Virginia Layne D'Antonio is VD'AN and not VLAYNE

Pat Flood is PMORE and not PFLOO

Denise Labertew is not DLABE but is LLABE

Par Mohammadian's userid is 01039552 and not 00819615
Stephen Brown's userid is 01021583  and not 00820568
Gina Ladinsky's userid is 01022571  and not 01001503
Melanie Klein's userid is 01023504 and not 01002241
Gloria Daims' userid is 01027436 and not 01002840
Veronica Cox's userid is 01022646  -- and not 01022181
Henry Soledad's userid is 01038800  -- not 01036515
Jose Maldonado's userid is 00796223 -- not 01040232