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Date of Meeting:  - 5/1/13    Location:  Academic Affairs Conference Room   Time:  1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Voting Members Present: David Jordan (Co-Chair), Stephanie Atkinson-Alston , Myriam Levy (AS Rep), Gina Ladinsky (AS Rep), Vilma Bernal (AS Rep), , Diana Bonilla (AFT Rep)

Voting Members Absent :   Hanh Tran (IT Mgr), Curriculum Dean (vacant) , Richard Rains (AFT Rep), Louise Barbato (AFT Rep),  

Guests:  Paul McKenna (ITV), Adrian Gonzalez (DSPS), Marie Zaiens (LRC/Library)
On May 1st, 2013 at 1:30 pm, the DE Committee met with a quorum of members to complete its final review and to make a recommendation on the college Course Management System (CMS).
Thereafter,  the DE Committee, having reviewed student and faculty surveys, and a Course Management Systems Analysis (CMSA), Executive Summary, and Addendum to the CMSA (all posted on the DE website at lamission.edu/de) unanimously approved the following recommendation.
DE recommends:

That LAMC enter into a contract with Etudes Course Management System commencing July 1st , 2013.  DE recommends the contract with Moodle Course Management System (hosted by Remote Learner)  not be renewed effective June 30th.
Per ACCJC Accreditation recommendations, the College needs to establish a "line item"  in the college budget  to assure continuous funding of its course management system.
Some departments will continue using Ecollege/MyLabsPlus which currently have no fiscal impact on the college
In summary, two Course Management Systems (CMS) are approved by DE  for LAMC - Etudes and Ecollege/MyLabsPlus.  
It should be noted that no other Course Management System (CMS) can be used at LAMC unless reviewed, recommended and approved by the DE Committee.
The above DE recommendation will be presented to the Educational Planning Committee (EPC) on May 6th, 2013 for review and approval.
Adrian Gonzalez requested, and the committee agreed that Etudes be contacted and requested to provide a “VPAC” which will ensure that its CMS is compliant with federal “accessibility” guidelines and regulations.

Meeting adjourned: 2:30 pm

Future Meetings – Spring 2013 –  
Weds.   5/15/13 - @ 12:30 - 2:00 pm,
Academic Affairs Conference Room  

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