

Page history last edited by abogado 11 years, 5 months ago


Welcome to Law 20 - Fall 2013


Welcome to Law 20 - Probate Administration  for Fall 2013.


This class is a hybrid class - part on campus and part online. Your instructor is Prof. Valerie Lopez - http://lamission.edu/~lopezvs - Her email address is  profvalerielopez@gmail.com

There is a required textbook for this class.  You should go ahead and order the textbook now since the quizzes are all based on the textbook.   http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks

The facts for your probate forms will be updated and posted soon.

In the meanwhile here are some probate resources you can use for the class



Los Angeles Superior Court - Probate
District Courts
Court locator

Probate Law Sources

Information on probate

Conducting a simple probate

Checklist for handling a simple estate


Introduction to the Probate Code

How to Probate a Case - Santa Clara Courts - Self - Service

Diagram of Probate Process

Trusts and Estates Outline - Lexis-Nexis

Here is another excellent resource
California Probate Judges Bench guide

and another one on the probate process
Please bookmark the following website for use during the semester - http://duedates.pbworks.com

Here is information you need to carefully read and understand:

1. Extensive welcome information message to all students - http://welcome.pbworks.com
2. Online study guide - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/page/27895293/study%20guide
3. Check in Policies - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/page/28267655/policies
4. How your online classes work - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/page/1245731/how-to
5. Dear Online Student Letter - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/w/page/27637059/dear%20online%20student 
6. Syllabus with a course description
7. Textbook for the class -  (some classes use online/internet materials) - check http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks
8. Where to start

You cannot login to our etudes class until Sunday evening @ 6 pm 8/25/13
you can then login at http://etudes.org

Your username = your student ID - 881234567  (no dashes-no spaces) and your passcode is your mmdd of birth (eg. June 5th is 0605)
Welcome aboard, and nice having you as students.

Here are general ground rules about posting to the online  discussion forums. 
    •    Be constructive and productive
    •    Do not gripe or whine
    •    Ask questions
    •    Contribute replies
    •    Expect to be misunderstood and to misunderstand
    •    Don't take things personally
    •    Be supportive
    •    Remember that mistakes are learning opportunities
    •    Have BIG FUN! 
General Rules for Management:
    •    Keep your posts short -  2-5 paragraphs
    •    Keep one topic per post - don't mix topics.
    •    Keep your posts concise - 2-5 paragraphs.
    •    It is normal to feel lost. ASK lots of questions.
    •     How does that sound? I think we can handle this. Did we forget anything?
Tell us - and let the journey begin!

 Prof Jordan and Prof. Lopez 

    •    for questions about the class email Prof. Lopez
    •    call or email Prof Jordan if you have any questions about the program - cell phone is 818-415-2015 - email abogado@pacbell.net
    •    for broken links, email Prof Jordan directly, since he is webmaster for the law classes

Prof J.    


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