

Page history last edited by abogado 11 years, 5 months ago


Welcome to Law 16 - Fall 2013


Welcome to Law 16 - Civil and Criminal Evidence - Section #0321 - Spring 2013

Read Etudes Overview and watch video

Prof. Alberto Gudino is your online instructor. His contact information is located at http://lamission.edu/~gudinoac.

I am the Director of the Paralegal Studies Program and webmaster for the law classes, so please contact me about the program, and if there are any broken links. Also look at our home law page and video introduction to the program.

This might be the most difficult class in our paralegal program, so please order the textbook early so you have it. All of the quizzes come directly from the authors of our textbook.
see http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks

Here is some more information on evidence

and of course information on the infamous rule on hearsay

Please bookmark the following website for use during the semester - http://duedates.pbworks.com

Here is information you carefully read and understand:

1. Extensive welcome information message to all students - http://welcome.pbworks.com
2. Online study guide - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/page/27895293/study%20guide
3. Check in Policies - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/page/28267655/policies
4. How your online classes work - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/page/1245731/how-to
5. Dear Online Student Letter - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/w/page/27637059/dear%20online%20student 
6. Syllabus with a course description
7. Textbook for the class - (some classes use online/internet materials) - check http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks
8. Where to start

You cannot login to our etudes class until Sunday evening @ 6 pm 8/25/13
you can then login at http://etudes.org

Your username = your student ID - 881234567 (no dashes-no spaces) and your passcode is your mmdd of birth (eg. June 5th is 0605)

Welcome aboard, and nice having you as students.

Here are general ground rules about posting to the online discussion forums.
• Be constructive and productive
• Do not gripe or whine
• Ask questions
• Contribute replies
• Expect to be misunderstood and to misunderstand
• Don't take things personally
• Be supportive
• Remember that mistakes are learning opportunities
• Have BIG FUN! 
General Rules for Management:
• Keep your posts short - one to two paragraphs.
• Keep one topic per post - don't mix topics.
• Keep your posts concise - 2-5 paragraphs.
• It is normal to feel lost. ASK lots of questions.
• How does that sound? I think we can handle this. Did we forget anything?
Tell us - and let the journey begin!

 Prof Jordan 
and Prof. Gudino
• call or email Prof Jordan if you have any questions about the program - cell phone is 818-415-2015 - email abogado@pacbell.net
• for broken links, email Prof Jordan directly, since he is webmaster for the law classes

Enjoy the class.
Prof J.

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