  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by abogado 10 years, 3 months ago



Click here to login to Lexis (once you have your access key)


To start your Lexis Subscription go to this Bookstore Link and pay for it ($84.75 for the Fall 2014 semester) then email the LAMC Bookstore confirming your payment. 


Lexis Nexis Paralegal Student Certification (optional, but very valuable and recommended)


Students can access 5 webinar modules and online quizzes.


• Live webinars at LexisNexis University at http://www.lexisnexis.com/university/Catalogue.aspx?product=lexis.com


• Recorded webinars at LexisNexis Webcasting Service at http://law.lexisnexis.com/webcasting/default.aspx?campaign_id=2261&product_index=0&campaign_index=13      **Please select Events OnDemand Tab.


  LexisNexis Customer Support - For 24/7 Customer Support and Research Assistance, faculty and students can call: 


Dear Paralegal students,


We are excited to announce the introduction of LexisNexis & LexisAdvance ("Lexis") to our Paralegal program. Lexis is one of the primary legal research services used by legal professionals and government entities. 


Lexis was integrated in the Spring 2013 semester into our Legal Research and Writing classes (Law 17/ 34), and in Fall 2013 into our Law 12 (Torts) and Law 13 (Wills & Trusts) classes in order for paralegal students to increase their proficiency in online legal research, and to assist our paralegals improve their "employment" in the paralegal marketplace.

Also, our other students in the paralegal program are invited to participate in the Lexis Nexis Program and to obtain the Lexis Nexis Certification.


The subscription cost is less than most text books, and is greatly outweighed by the long-term benefit gained by becoming proficient in the use of an essential legal tool.  The cost for our students will be $84.75 for  the semester for Fall 2014 . Please be aware, that our contract with Lexis limits the use of student accounts to educational purposes; therefore any student subscription will be forfeited if the subscriber is no longer enrolled in our Paralegal program, or it is found that subscription has been used for commercial purposes. 


Your subscription to Lexis Advance will give you the opportunity to improve your online legal research skills through modules and earn a Lexis Nexis Certification to add to your resume. We  recommend for students who have already have taken both Law 17 and Law 34, to purchase a subscription in order to earn the Lexis Nexis Certificate


The access to Lexis will be available for through our bookstore. If you have any questions regarding the service, please email Professor Jordan stating your interest, with "Lexis" in the subject line, at  abogado@pacbell.net as soon as possible.


The key features of your LexisNexis subscription are outlined below:


  •          Lexis.com subscription includes Lexis Advance and Lexis for Microsoft Office.
  •          Lexis Advance is a new online research service used by law firms, corporations and government agencies. www.lexisnexis.com/advance
  •          Lexis for Microsoft Office is the result of an exclusive partnership with Microsoft.  Paralegals have the ability to perform research while drafting a document in Word or an email in Outlook.  In addition, they can quickly create a table of authorities, check citation formats and validate their work product.  http://www.lexisnexis.com/en-us/products/lexis-for-microsoft-office.page
  •          Lexis.com and Lexis Advance students access online to primary legal and secondary materials as well as news and court documents such as briefs, pleadings and motions. 
  •          Students have access to an online Lexis certification program which consists of five 60 minute modules and online quizzes.    http://www.lexisnexis.com/university/Catalogue.aspx?product=lexis.com 


Our mission is your success!  





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