
Prepare Summons and Complaint Using Judicial Council Forms

Page history last edited by abogado 12 years ago

1st week assignment

Law11 asgs


Assignment #1 - Prepare and attach Summons and General Negligence attachment below (do not prepare Complaint for Personal Injury Judicial Council Form

Watch the Screencast on how to do this assignment 

Handling court forms ( California Judicial Council Forms ) - is an important task of the paralegal.

1. read this on using legal forms - http://www.courts.ca.gov/selfhelp-howtofill.htm

2. Access a summons form (word document) or the (rtf document

3. Access the attachment - General Negligence to the Complaint for Personal Injury. You are NOT required to do the Complaint, but just the General Negligence Attachment. 

4. Then take the information of a "hypothetical case - Taber v. World Bowling Centers, Inc and fill in both the summons and the General Negligence Attachment to the complaint, and attach each one below as a single file document. Use the Filing Court Locator to determine the address of the court you will use on your Summons 

5. Read information for plaintiffs "Before you Sue" - Information for Plaintiffs - Before you Sue 

6. In this exercise you are preparing just the Summons and the General Negligence Attachment. Outline the description of liability (theory of negligence why defendants are responsible for the death, and injuries to the plaintiffs. You will learn more about negligence when you take Law 12 - Torts class. Just to the best you can. We are no looking for perfection here.

The Summons is pretty simple and basic and only needs some basic information, name of plaintiff's attorney, name and address of the court, names of parties. 

7. Now word process the word document for the Summons, and copy and paste information into it based upon the facts and then attach it as a word document, or rtf (please no other types of attachments, like wps (word perfect), etc. to the assignment box below. 

Do the same for the Negligence Attachment. Copy and paste information, and your theory of negligence into it, than save it as a .txt, or .rtf, or .doc and attach it below.

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