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LACCD Student E-Mail 2012



1. How do I logon to email?

a. Method 1:

i. Navigate to the following secure Internet link,   https://student.laccd.edu/ .

Enter your LACCD  student ID number and password (also known as your PIN)

ii. Your Password is the same PIN for your student information system. 

b. Method 2

i. Login to your student portal

ii. Click on the link that email address next to “Assigned Student E-Mail Address”

iii. You will be redirected to your email inbox.LACCD Student E-Mail 2012


2. What do I do if I do not remember my PIN?

a. If you do not remember your password you need to contact your Admissions and 

Records Office. They will assist you in obtaining your student password/pin.

3. Where do I go if I want to change my PIN?

a. To change your pin you can use the student information system portal. 

b. Go to the student portal where you access your registration and grading information. 

You can access this from the college sites or from the district site.

c. Log in to the portal

d. Click on “Change Pin” on the left navigation menu

e. Create a new pin and submit

f. Once the password has change it will also be updated for your email account.LACCD Student E-Mail 2012


4. Who can I contact if I do not have an email address?

a. Contact your campus Admissions and Records office. They can assist you in identifying 

your email address

5. How do I get more information on how to use the email system?

a. Visit www.outlook.com to get help and reference information regarding the different 


6. What is SkyDrive?

a. SkyDrive is the cloud based collaboration center where you upload and store files and

use Microsoft office products such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

7. Where can I get help information about SkyDrive?

a. Visit http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/skydrive/help-center to get various different 

information regarding SkyDrive and its capabilities.

8. How much storage space do I get for email?

a. You will get 10GB of storage for your email.

9. How much space do I get on SkyDrive?

a. You will get 25GB of storage space.

10. Does the space on SkyDrive include the storage space for my email?

a. Your email storage space is separate from your SkyDrive storage space. This space can 

be used for uploading and creating new files using the SkyDrive options. 

11. What happens if I reach my storage space limit of 10GB?

a. If you reach the maximum limit of 10GB for your email, you will not be able to receive 

any more emails until you remove some items from mailbox to free up space.


see link at - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/59172035/student-email.pdf


also how to forward your email

click on "options" in your email account   







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