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D. Evidence of Institutional Support to Demonstrate the Continuance of Quality Standards

LAMC Elements of DL Sustainability and How Sustained





How sustainable 

Course Management 



Moodle sustained $7000 per year - included in program review/budget process 

Help Desk 




Maintained by trained DL Faculty sustained by .2 release 

Distance Learning Coordinator  



DL Faculty sustained by .2 release  

Instructional Design 



All online faculty trained by @One.org with DL design  

Student Preparation & Readiness 


Add more extensive tutorials/videos/content and non-credit course 

Tech Support  



IT uploads shells each semester - part of IT staff daily assignment/work 

College portal - lamission.edu/online 



Provides online users guide, faculty information, syllabi, FAQ, Help Desk

Assessment & Program Review  



End of semester student surveys, 3 year Program Review cycle. !st program review implemented June 2009 and updated July 2012. 



DL Addendum to  Course Outline of Record added. new DL restructure requires Curriculum Comm. to develop process for DL course approval and review of DL Course shells

Student Support 


Moodle/ecollege auto authenticate with student information system - additional student services to be made virtual

Faculty Support 


Moodle usergroup active - add more workshops, mentoring, and a faculty development center 

Budget and Costs  


Moodle supported by college program review and budget process. Also District moodle consortium in progress to leverage scale of economies 

Ecollege costs paid by shared costs between publisher and students 

Alignment with Educational Master Plan  



DL and college technology included in plan, and updated regularly  

Alignment with Strategic Master Plan  



DL and college technology included in plan, and updated regularly  








The Sloan Consortium have adopted the five pillars  (see Mayadas, A.F. Quality Framework for online education. In Panitz. B. Learning on demand, ASEE Prism, April 1998) and quality education - page 106 - Elements of Quality Online Education - Edited by John Bourne and Janet C. Moore.

1. http://sloanconsortium.org/5pillars
2. http://www.adec.edu/earmyu/SLOANC~41.html

These five pillars can assist in ensuring sustainability of online education.  They are:

1. Learning effectiveness

2. Access

3. Student Satisfaction

4. Faculty Satisfaction

5. Cost


Below are the resources which Mission has or plans to employ to support and sustain its Distance Learning Program and courses

1. Learning Effectiveness

  1. To ensure sustainability in this pillar, Mission has and will continue to support the following:
  2. Clear goals and expectations for learners,
  3. Multiple representations of course content,
  4. Frequent opportunities for active learning,
  5. Frequent and constructive feedback,
  6. Flexibility and choice in satisfying course objectives, and Instructor guidance and support

Reference: Learning Effectiveness online - http://cguevara.commons.gc.cuny.edu/files/2009/09/learning-effectiveness.pdf

Janick & Liegle [40] have synthesized the work of a range of instructional design experts in these areas [22, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45] to develop a list of ten concepts that support the effective design of web-based instruction.  These are:

  • ·       Instructors acting as facilitators
  • ·       Use of a variety of presentation styles
  • ·       Multiple exercises
  • ·       Hands-on problems
  • ·       Learner control of pacing
  • ·       Frequent testing
  • ·       Clear feedback
  • ·       Consistent layout
  • ·       Clear navigation
  • ·       Available help screens


Mission has and will support the above through vigilant program review of both on campus and online classes. Curriculum and DE will work with online faculty in the review and assessment of online classes. Staff Development will assist with continuous training of online faculty. Other resources Mission uses is the DE Coordinator, faculty training materials at lamission.edu/online and under faculty resources at our Moodle website - moodle.lamission.edu


2. Access

Mission provides a 24/7/365 availability of its two online portals, moodle and eCollege. Also students will work to develop the following to ensure sustainable access to our online classes:

Mission will work to improve access through developing and implementing the following:

  5. Make human tutors available (within our current resources)


3. Student Satisfaction

LAMC will work to develop more student support for their online students which address three fundamental elements:

  1. Technical proficiency among all students who enroll in online course offerings,
  2. Familiarity with the online environment


Reference: Best Practices Monograph on Online Student Support


LAMC provides many of the Best Practices above, but will also develop and provide a breadth and depth of student support to include student support of the following:


Our LAMC website - lamission.edu/online provides online users guide, faculty information, syllabi, FAQ, Help Desk


4. Faculty Satisfaction

LAMC will continue to support its DL Faculty.
A faculty Moodle usergroup is currently implemented and active. LAMC will add more workshops, mentoring,  and faculty development center (within current resources) to support DL faculty.

Reference: Faculty Support - http://www.educause.edu/Resources/MultidimensionalFacultySupport/159524


Mission Sustainability includes the following (see above chart on Elements of Sustainability)

1. CMS
2. Help Desk
3. DE Coordinator
4. Instructional Design
5. Student Preparation & Readiness
6. Tech Support
7. College Portal
8. Assessment and Program Review
9. Curriculum Process
10. Student Sufpport
11. Faculty Support
12. Budget/Costs
13. Alignment with Educational Master Plan
14. Alignment with Strategic Master Plan

see books reference -

Elements of Quality Online Education: Engaging Communities - Page 106 

Student authentication

LAMC, along with the other LACCD sister colleges which employ moodle have extensively implemented a synchronized “student authentication”  process. The implementation and integration of this system commenced in Spring of 2010. IT staff from the District, IT personnel from the hosted moodle site (Remote Learner.Net), DE faculty, DE Coordinators, and administrators developed, implemented, tested, and integrated a student authentication system for moodle. Every night the student information system is updated with enrollments (including both newly added students, dropped students, excluded students), and moodle synchronizes with the district student information system every evening.

Also ECollege portal in use primarily by our Social Science online classes has similarly worked with the IT at LACCD District, and have also developed, implemented, tested, and integrated auto synchronization and authentication with the LACCD student information system which all students use in adding their online and on campus classes.

Student Readiness

LAMC has developed an extensive set of tools and information for our online students at lamission.edu/online to assist online students in first “self assessing” if they are ready to take an online class, and then to provide a substantial “Study Guide” to orient students to online classes at Mission.

The online student guide includes the following:
1. Course Management Software Information
2. Registering for Online Classes
3. Technical Skills and Knowledge
4. Reasonable Expectations
5. Tips to be a Successful Online Student
6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
7. Research Online using Library Databases
8.  Academic Honesty and Student Conduct
9. Computer Use Policies
10. Accessibility to your Moodle/ECollege website
11.  Policy on requesting an Incomplete in your class
12. Contact Information
13. Faculty Directory
14. How to add an online class that is closed (with permission)
15. Where do I start?
16. How to take an online class
17. “Check in”  and communication policies
18.  How to set up your computer
19. Online student responsibilities


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