
de guide

Page history last edited by abogado 13 years, 6 months ago


Distance Education Course Approval  (new/proposed)


Distance education includes online and/or hybrid courses utilizing the internet and other technologies such as CD-ROM, video, audio, and interactive exercises. DE courses are considered to be the virtual equivalent to a classroom-based course.

Our main webpage for DE at Mission is http://lamission.edu/de


Online and Hybrid courses must be approved through the LAMC Distance Education Course Approval Process in order to be taught in a Distance Education Mode.


All courses (whether new or ongoing) taught in Online or Hybrid form MUST be approved before listing in the Schedule of Classes.


Downloadable Documents

Both the Word format and the Adobe Format will allow you to type into form.  If you do NOT have the FULL version of Adobe Acrobat, you will ONLY be able to complete the form and print it.  You will NOT be able to SAVE the form.


Use the Word version if you do not have the full version of Adobe Acrobat and would like to fill-out and save a copy of your completed form.


LAMC Distance Education Course Approval Form (ONLINE & HYBRID)

word doc


LAMC Distance Education Guidebook

word doc




Course Approval Forms must be submitted in all of the following ways:

Chancellor's Office Distance Education Sub-Unit
Additional Distance Education Guidelines and Regulations are available at the Distance Education Sub-Unit of the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office

Regulations and Guidelines
Distance Education Partners
Reports and Surveys

Last updated: 7/29/11
Accessibility Issues to Webmaster


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