Best Practices -
How to Improve Quizzes
1. Design online test questions in a manner that it isn’t easy for learners to look up information and still complete the test on time.
2. Utilize a variety of question types, i.e. multiple choice, fill-in, and short answer.
3. Include several questions that relate directly to online discussions. These questions will be difficult to answer by someone who hasn’t actually participated in the discussions.
4. Tie questions to a course goal. After all, you want to know whether your students are achieving the goals of the course, so why not ask them directly?
5. Try to ask multiple questions about each important idea in the class. This gives you more data points about student understanding.
6. When writing a multiple-choice question, be sure each wrong answer represents a common mis-conception. This will help you diagnose student thinking and eliminate easy guessing.
7. Write questions requiring your students to think at different levels. Include some recall questions, some comprehension questions and some application and analysis questions. You can determine where students are having problems in their thinking. Can they recall the material, but not apply it?
8. Try having mini-tests as a check on whether students are reading the textbook materials each week.
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