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law 19


Law 1

1. Bilateral vs. Unilateral Contracts - 2-16-11 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/36351626/law1-atencio0001.pdf 

2. Firm Offer - Rest. 24 - Ball v. Sullivan - 2-16-11- http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/36351938/law1-2%20-%20firm%20offer%20-%20ball%20v%20sullivan0001.pdf 

3. Contract #1 - Release - 9-15-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/release2.pdf

4. #4 - Helikon case - Consideration - 9-22-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/scan0008.pdf

5. #5 - MSI v Bass - Non Compete Clause - 3-09-11 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/37550996/msi0001.pdf  

6. #6 Donmar vs. McConkey - Fraud by Silence - 10-06-10 - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/mcconkey0001.pdf

7. #7 - Shelby 's Inc. vs. Sierra Bravo - Statute of Frauds - 10-06-10 - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/statute-frauds0001.pdf

8. Contract #2 - Secured Promissory Note - 10-13-10 - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/secured-promissory-note-20001.pdf

9. #8 - AST v. M/V Berane - 3rd Party - 10-13-10 - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/berane0001.pdf

10.  #10 - Pisani v. Krueger - 10-20-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/pisani0001.pdf

11. #11 - Vuylsteke v. Broan - 10-27-10 - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/Vuylseke0001.pdf

12. #12 - 1-A Equipment v. Icode - 11-03-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/1-A%20Equipment0001.pdf

13.  Contract #2  Bill of Sale Contract  - DMV Bill of Sale

14. #13 - ESI v. SNK - Formation of Sales Agreements

15. #15 - Sava vs. APS - Sales performance - 11-17-10

16. #19 Ford Motor - Agency - 12-08-10

17. Extra Credit - Spray-Tech v. Robbins 


Law 10

1. How to Brief a Case - 2-16-11 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/36352423/law10%20-%201%20-%20brief0001.pdf 

2. Kelly v. Arriba case - 2-16-11 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/36352238/law10-2%20kelly%20v%20arriba0001.pdf 

3. ABFI vs. First Union - 9-15-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/abfi2.pdf

4. Chimel case - 9-22-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/scan0007.pdf

5. Rhodda Thomson case - 9-22-10  - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/scan0006.pdf

6. Yurczyk v. Yellowston case - 9-29-10 - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/yurczyk0001.pdf

7. Irvine vs. Akron Beacon Journal - 10-06-10 - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/irvine0001.pdf

8. Wallmart case - Negligence - Torts - 10-13-10 - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/wallmart0001.pdf

9. Katz case - 4th amendment Search & Seizure - 10-13-10 - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/katz0001.pdf

10. Sportswear v. Victoria's Secret case - 10-20-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/sportswear0001.pdf

11. Chambers v. Maroney case - 10-20-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/chambers0001.pdf

12. US v. Yang - 10-27-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/yang0001.pdf

13. Vermont-Yankee - 11-03-10 - http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/vermont-ynkee0001.pdf

14. #17 - Pere vs. Nuevo Pignone - International Law - Sovereign Immunity - 11-10-10 http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/f/pere0001.pdf

15. #18 - Elm City Cheese - 11-17-10   - http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/32731585/elm-cheese0001.pdf



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