Technical Skills and Knowledge
1. Email and related skills: You need to know how to use a personal computer to send, receive, and reply to email. Check the Moodle or ECollege/Coursecompass home page for directions and links.
Faculty are only allowed to discuss the work of a student with that student. When email is used to exchange information, it needs to have the student name on the account. You will also be expected to know how to send file attachments with an email message.
2. Internet access and skill: Online students need to have access to the Internet, and they need to know how to use a web browser to navigate the World Wide Web. You can use a web browser of your choice but the most common ones are Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Netscape. You will be expected to know how to upload a file to the course management software. Be sure you do not have a space in the filename when you attempt to upload it.
While the campus does provide computers for online students can use, you need to have additional Internet access available to you when the campus computers are busy or unavailable. Locating multiple sources will help you succeed and meet all class deadlines with less stress.
3. Word Processing skills: You will be expected to type some of your papers using a word processing program such as Microsoft Word or Word Perfect or Claris Works or Open Office. You should be able to save these files in a common .doc or .rtf format. If you do not have Microsoft Word, then you can download a free Word Reader.
4. Cookies: You need to know how to set your cookies on the computer you use. Cookies are important so the course management software can keep track of where you have been in the system and what work belongs to you.
5. JavaScript: Some course management software used in this program requires you to have JavaScript installed and enabled. Most computers have this working without the user even knowing it. This is true for the new computers but people with older computers can install it.
6. Pop-ups and Pop-up Blockers: You need to allow Pop-ups when working with the course management software. If you have turned ON your pop-up blocker software, you need to know how to turn it off when working on the class.
7. Do not block messages: If you are a student in a Moodle class, do not set your profile to block messages. This prevents the instructor from contacting you.
Reasonable Expectations for Online Classes
1. The virtual classroom will open on the day the class begins and close on the last day of the term. You will be able to log into your classroom the first week of the semester. You should not expect to log in the day you register for a class.
2. You are expected to read everything on the class home page and follow the links and directions on it.
3. You are expected to drop any online class you do not want to complete. Do not rely upon the instructor dropping you for lack of participation or attendance.
4. You are expected to log into the virtual classroom each week as needed to read new announcements from the instructor, read assignments, and submit work on time. In classes that are short-term, you should log in daily. In the event you have technical problems, you are expected to locate another computer to continue logging into the virtual classroom. If work is lost on a home computer, you need to contact the instructor to discuss the issue. Thus, a printed copy of the course syllabus and other pertinent information should be kept for emergency situations when technical difficulties develop.
5. You can expect to have your instructor respond to your email questions and phone calls within a couple of days. If you do not get a response, try again. When leaving a phone message, speak slowly and give your name, class and phone number twice at the beginning of your phone call. If you can’t reach your instructor within 3 days, you can contact the department office and speak to the department chair.
Tips to Be a Successful Online Student
1. Read all of the information on the class home page, the online program home page, and the instructor’s home page to find answers before contacting the instructor to ask questions that are already answered on those pages.
2. Keep your email ID listed in the Student Information System current. That is one way your instructor has to contact you.
3. Check your junk email folder a few days prior to the start of a new class and for at least one week thereafter. The email sent by your instructor might go into your junk mail folder and you would believe the instructor never tried to reach you.
4. Take responsibility for contacting your instructor when you don’t understand what is required of you.
5. Don’t assume your first email or phone call reached your instructor and was read by him or her. If you don’t get a response, contact your instructor again and politely ask for assistance. Give at least 24-48 hours for your instructor to respond. He/she will probably be receiving hundreds of emails and calls each week. He/she is trying to help everyone, but sometimes that task is impossible.
Therefore, be understanding and continue to try to reach him/her in multiple ways to get the help you need. You might not get a response to a Welcome Form. The instructor might just take that information and store it for later contact when needed.
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