  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by abogado 14 years, 2 months ago


  - how to login - where to login

- how to login - where to login

Information provided in large part from L.D.-Lattc - thanks Linda

Look at Videos on How to Moodle



1. Course Management Software Information / Log in /Moodle Tutorials

2. Registering for Online Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. Technical Skills and Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. Reasonable Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. Tips to Be a Successful Online Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. Research Online Using Library Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. Academic Honesty and Student Conduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9.  Computer Use Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10. Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

18. Faculty Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

19. How to Add an Online Class that is Closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


Important Dates

Summer 2010


June 18, 2010
K to 8 Student Deadline SUMMER 2010.
July 05, 2010
Independence Day Holiday.
July 06, 2010
Day & Evening Classes Begin SUMMER 2010.
July 09, 2010
Last day for a refund SUMMER 2010.
July 09, 2010
Last day to ADD SUMMER 2010.
July 15, 2010
Last day to petition for CREDIT/NO CREDIT SUMMER 2010.
July 15, 2010
Last day to drop without a "W" SUMMER 2010.
July 22, 2010
Last day for Section Transfer SUMMER 2010.
July 29, 2010
Last day to drop with a "W" SUMMER 2010.
July 30, 2010 - August 05, 2010
Last day of classes and Final Exams SUMMER 2010.
August 05, 2010
Last day of Summer 2010 Session
August 13, 2010
K-8 Students Deadline FALL 2010.
August 29, 2010
Residency Derermination Date FALL 2010.
August 30, 2010
September 04, 2010
Saturday class for FALL 2010 begin.


Add and Drop Classes

Be sure to pay attention to drop dates for individual classes as there are a variety of start and stop dates for online classes. You must drop before 75% of the class is completed to avoid getting a letter grade.


General rules on dates for adding and dropping:


 Last day to add (10% of course length).


 Last date to drop without class appearing on the student’s record (30% of course length)


 Last date to drop classes without being graded “W” will be recorded on student’s records (75% of course length)

Textbook Ordering


Textbooks are now available for ordering online at http://www.lamissionbookstore.com/


Please verify the textbook with the instructor’s syllabus before ordering.

Course Management Software Information & Log-In Details


Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)

Portal: http://moodle.lamission.edu

See moodle classes

classes which use Moodle - Anatomy - 1 - on campus only, Anthropology - 101,102 - on campus only, Administration of Justice - AJ1 - online only, Biology 33, Business 1, Computer Science - CSIT 401 - online only, English - 21, 28, 102 - on campus only, English 101 - online only, Finance 8, Health  - 11 - online only, Child Development - CD1 - online only, Chicano Studies - 2,7,8, 37 - online only, Law - 1,2,10,11,12,13,16,17,18,19,20,34 - online & Law 1/10 - hybrid/online, Library Science 101, Management 2,13,33, Marketing 21, Multimedia - 100,200,240,300,310,320,500,610,620,640 - on campus only, Nutrition - online  only, Philosophy 33



Also: Coursecompass - http://coursecompass.com

  • Coursecompass - -  how to login - where to login

    classes which use Coursecompass/Ecollege -History 86, Philosophy 1, 6, Psychology 1, Sociology 1,2,4,24,28

Moodle Login


Login ID = your student ID number


Password = MMDD of your birthday (exception: If you changed the SIS password, then that is your Moodle password.)


Once you log in, your classes for your online class should appear on the left side of your screen. If you cannot login contact Prof. Jordan. You need to wait a few days from the date you register before you are uploaded into the moodle system.


Configure your computer correctly


You must enable cookies and pop-ups when using these course management systems. If you do not know how to do either of these skills, refer to the following information:


1. How to log into Moodle:

Login ID = your student ID number (example: 88123456)

Pass = MMDD of your birthday (The 4 numbers that represent the month and day of your birth. Example: 0601)


If you don't know your student ID number, you can log into the Student Information System (https://www.laccd.edu/student_information/sis_logon.asp) using your social security number (only if you included this on your enrollment application) and the MMDD of your date of birth.


2. How to allow pop-ups (i.e. turn OFF the pop-up blocker) so you can fully read and participate in the class. Go to this web page: http://cccconfer.org/trainingCenter/popupBlockers.aspx


3. How to set your cookies so your quizzes will work and you will get credit for your work. This is how the computer knows it is your work. Follow the directions on this web page: http://www.google.com/cookies.html


4. Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't already have it, then get the software for FREE from here: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html?promoid=BUIGO


5. More software you need to have on your computer includes:


Personal Computer Protection




  • Ad-Aware Software - FREE - run monthly to remove data mining elements that can slow down your computer.


  • AVG - FREE Antivirus Software - if you don't have an antivirus software on your computer, use AVG. Do not put two antivirus softwares on your computer at the same time or it will cause your computer to run very slow. Antivirus software protects you from viruses and every student needs to have some kind of antivirus protection.

Computer Skill Videos Available


Moodle Settings


When using Moodle, you can edit each forum to not receive via email every message that is posted. You can also edit your general profile to not receive any emails from Moodle. You might want to ONLY limit the class discussion forums, but allow for your teacher’s news forum postings and his/her assignment feedback messages to reach you.


The email messages are NOT spam. They are the result of being in the online class. You can control how many you get, but do not report them as spam to your service provider


You may decide to not make your email avaiable to anyone (if you would like to maintain your privacy). You can do this once you have logged into moodle, under "edit profile" on the left side. We would recommend allowing other students in class to see your email so that you can form online study groups, or communicate with others in class. You can get a free email account at yahoo.com or hotmail.com just for your moodle classroom and then configure that email to forward emails to your home account. That way you only have one email account, your home email to check for emails


Please make sure you are registered for the online class before joining the moodle classroom. If you are not registered for the moodle class you will not be able to login to it.  


Here is "How to Change your Passcode" in Moodle.  Here is How to set your profile  to not receive so many emails every time a student posts to the forums.

Registering For Online Classes


You can enroll in the college by going to http://www.lacolleges.net/admissions/.


Step 1: Be sure your enrollment status in the college is current. If not, submit an online application. If you are a new student to the district who has applied using CCC Apply, one application should serve the purpose of getting into any of the colleges in the district. However, if you have not enrolled through CCC Apply, complete the online application. If you were a student at Mission who has not completed a course within the past two semesters, you may need to submit a new application. Allow 2 days for processing.

Step 2: Register for the class you want to take. Returning students can do this through the Student Information System (SIS) online, through the STEP (telephone registration system) or in person. New students will need to secure a registration appointment. Once you have enrolled through CCC Apply, you should receive information via email regarding your registration appointment. The email will be sent to the email address you use for CCC Apply. If you do not receive that email, log into the Student Information System to get it. You can register for classes on or after your assigned registration date.

Step 3: Verify your current email ID on the Student Information System (SIS) (https://www.laccd.edu/student_information/sis_logon.asp) is correct. Log into the SIS using your campus registration number (starts with 88) or your social security number. Your PIN is your month and day of birth (MMDD). For example, if you were born on January 7th, your PIN is: 0107.


Once logged into your account, edit your email ID if it is not the one you are currently using.  




Updating your email at the Student Information System (SIS)


 If you do not update your email address under the Student Information system you will not receive class "mass emailings" when your instructor uses the SIS system to email the entire class. Also if you want to add the class when it is full, and you email Prof J. and he agrees to add you, then you must email from the same email address as you have on the SIS system so Admissions can authenticate aqnd verify you are, in fact, the student requesting to be added through email registration. Click here for instructions on how to update your SIS email.

Step 4: College Placement Process: Follow the instructions on the Assessment page to determine which classes you should enroll. This step is necessary for all Math, English, and classes with a Math or English pre-requisite. (Please see pre-requisite requirements on page )

Step 5: Go to your class homepage at moodle or ecollege/coursecompass. and read all directions provided. Follow all of the links. Note the course management system you will be using. Become familiar with it ahead of time. Watch the videos on moodle

Step 6: Get your textbook and other materials listed in your course syllabus. Textbooks are now available for ordering online at http://lamissionbookstore.com Please verify the textbook with the instructor’s syllabus before ordering.

Technical Skills and Knowledge


1. Email and related skills: You need to know how to use a personal computer to send, receive, and reply to email. Check the Moodle or ECollege/Coursecompass home page for directions and links.


Faculty are only allowed to discuss the work of a student with that student. When email is used to exchange information, it needs to have the student name on the account. You will also be expected to know how to send file attachments with an email message.


2. Internet access and skill: Online students need to have access to the Internet, and they need to know how to use a web browser to navigate the World Wide Web. You can use a web browser of your choice but the most common ones are Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Netscape. You will be expected to know how to upload a file to the course management software. Be sure you do not have a space in the filename when you attempt to upload it.


While the campus does provide computers for online students can use, you need to have additional Internet access available to you when the campus computers are busy or unavailable. Locating multiple sources will help you succeed and meet all class deadlines with less stress.


3. Word Processing skills: You will be expected to type some of your papers using a word processing program such as Microsoft Word or Word Perfect or Claris Works or Open Office. You should be able to save these files in a common .doc or .rtf format. If you do not have Microsoft Word, then you can download a free Word Reader.


4. Cookies: You need to know how to set your cookies on the computer you use. Cookies are important so the course management software can keep track of where you have been in the system and what work belongs to you.


5. JavaScript: Some course management software used in this program requires you to have JavaScript installed and enabled. Most computers have this working without the user even knowing it. This is true for the new computers but people with older computers can install it.


6. Pop-ups and Pop-up Blockers: You need to allow Pop-ups when working with the course management software. If you have turned ON your pop-up blocker software, you need to know how to turn it off when working on the class.


7. Do not block messages: If you are a student in a Moodle class, do not set your profile to block messages. This prevents the instructor from contacting you.


Reasonable Expectations for Online Classes


1. The virtual classroom will open on the day the class begins and close on the last day of the term. You will be able to log into your classroom the first week of the semester. You should not expect to log in the day you register for a class.


2. You are expected to read everything on the class home page and follow the links and directions on it.


3. You are expected to drop any online class you do not want to complete. Do not rely upon the instructor dropping you for lack of participation or attendance.


4. Each unit of lecture is equal to 18 hours of “seat time” in a normal classroom. Each unit of lecture should be accompanied by an additional 2 hours of study time. If a 3 unit lecture class is taught in 18 weeks, it would require 3 hours per week of “seat time.” If that same class were taken during a 5-week Fall or Winter term, it would require 10.4 hours per week plus the additional 21 hours of study time. These are good rules for scheduling yourself to work on classes you take online.


5. You are expected to log into the virtual classroom each week as needed to read new announcements from the instructor, read assignments, and submit work on time. In classes that are short-term, you should log in daily. In the event you have technical problems, you are expected to locate another computer to continue logging into the virtual classroom. If work is lost on a home computer, you need to contact the instructor to discuss the issue. Thus, a printed copy of the course syllabus and other pertinent information should be kept for emergency situations when technical difficulties develop.


6. You can expect to have your instructor respond to your email questions and phone calls within a couple of days. If you do not get a response, try again. When leaving a phone message, speak slowly and give your name, class and phone number twice at the beginning of your phone call. If you can’t reach your instructor within 3 days, you can contact the department office and speak to the department chair.


Tips to Be a Successful Online Student


1. Read all of the information on the class home page, the online program home page, and the instructor’s home page to find answers before contacting the instructor to ask questions that are already answered on those pages.


2. Keep your email ID listed in the Student Information System current. That is one way your instructor has to contact you.


3. Check your junk email folder a few days prior to the start of a new class and for at least one week thereafter. The email sent by your instructor might go into your junk mail folder and you would believe the instructor never tried to reach you.


4. Take responsibility for contacting your instructor when you don’t understand what is required of you.


5. Don’t assume your first email or phone call reached your instructor and was read by him or her. If you don’t get a response, contact your instructor again and politely ask for assistance. Give at least 24-48 hours for your instructor to respond. He/she will probably be receiving hundreds of emails and calls each week. He/she is trying to help everyone, but sometimes that task is impossible.


Therefore, be understanding and continue to try to reach him/her in multiple ways to get the help you need. You might not get a response to a Welcome Form. The instructor might just take that information and store it for later contact when needed.


Frequently Asked Questions 




What do I do after enrolling in an online class? Go to the class home page and read all information on it. Follow the links, complete the forms and send email to your instructor. If the syllabus or web page lists the textbook, make arrangements to purchase it. Review the tutorials - Moodle Tutorials for your course management system.


How do I contact my instructor if I need help? First way to contact an online instructor is through the course management system message center. Second way is via email. Third is via phone. After that you can send mail through US postal service, go to campus or even meet them before or after they teach a class on campus. If all of those methods fail, contact the department chair and request the instructor’s assistance. Check information on your instructor at http://lamission.edu/online or the directory for the college at http://lamission.edu/directories/ 


How do I know what textbooks to buy and how do I buy them? You should check your class home page to verify the textbook information in this guide. You might also check the course syllabus available from your instructor, which could be posted to their personal web sites. You can get your textbooks by going to the campus bookstore


How do I log into my virtual classroom? Check the information on your class home page to see if login directions are posted there. If you are using Moodle, go to http://moodle.lamission.edu and read all of the directions on the home page and the links in the upper left hand corner. If your class uses anything other than Moodle, your instructor should provide you with directions via the class home page, his/her web site, or via email.


Be careful that some of the textbooks have login directions and those must be purchased at the Mission College bookstore (Course Compass/Ecollege classes in particular).


How do I submit my assignments and take my tests? In classes that are taught entirely online, assignments are submitted through the course management software. You should get special permission from your instructor if you need to make assignment submissions in any other way. Most tests are also done via the course management software but the instructor might require you to take a midterm and/or final exam on campus.


What should I do if my computer breaks down? The student is expected to locate another computer to continue logging into the virtual classroom. If work is lost on a home computer, the student needs to contact the instructor to discuss the issue. This probably means the student will need a printed copy of the course syllabus and other pertinent information to be prepared for emergency situations when technical difficulties develop. You should consider keeping back up of all of your work on a thumb drive or email it to yourself where it stays in “cyberspace” until the end of the term.


Where can I access the online class from on campus? The availability of computers on campus is available in the Learning Resource Center (LRC).

Check the Library Schedule to see their hours of operation.  


What are tuition fees and is financial help available? Community college tuition fees in California are $26 per unit for residents.  The best method to start getting financial aid is to begin at http://www.fafsa.us/index.htm and complete a form. That form will automatically enroll you in both federal aid and the Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver (BOG) for California community college tuition. Find more information at http://lamission.edu/financialaid


How do I get my grade transferred to another college or high school once my class is done? You can start at the campus home page- http://lamission.edu and select the Admissions and Records office link. You can then select the Transcript link. Either complete the form online and then print it; or print the form and then fill it out. You need to sign the form and send it to the campus at: Transcript Request, Los Angeles Mission College, 13356 Eldridge Avenue, Sylmar, Ca. 91342


Can I take a proctored test? You may be able to take a proctored test. First check with your online instructor to see if he/she will allow this procedure.


If so, then follow the procedure below:


1. It must be arranged with the instructor on a case by case basis.

2. The exam must be arranged two weeks prior to the due date of the exam.

3. The student is responsible for verifying that the computing environment is compatible for the test taking (ex: all necessary software and plug-ins for the test are installed, current, and working)

4. You must have a back-up plan in place. Have a fax # available at the test taking site for the instructor to fax a printed copy of the test in the event there is a computing environment failure.

5. Upon completion of the test, a printed copy must be mailed with a postmark prior to the time the test closes.


Research Online Using Mission College Library Databases

contact Prof Jordan and request access to these databases. You need to be a currently enrolled student at Mission College


Mission College Wireless Access  - Entire Campus

For information on how to access the College Wireless system (click here)


Los Angeles Mission College Academic Honesty and Standards of Student Conduct


Standards of Student Conduct: A student enrolling in one of the Los Angeles Community Colleges may rightfully expect that the faculty and administrators of the colleges will maintain an environment where there is freedom to learn. This requires that there be appropriate conditions and opportunities in the classroom and on the campus. As members of the college community, students should be encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment and to engage in the sustained and independent search for truth.


All persons shall respect and obey civil and criminal law, and shall be subject to legal penalties for violation of laws of the city, county, state and nation. All visitors making use of the facilities or grounds of any college of the District will be asked to sign a statement that they have received the Standards of Conduct and the rules relating to campus visitors adopted by the Board of Trustees. Signature will not be a prerequisite to activities on campus. A record will be kept of all persons who use the facilities or grounds of the college.


Conduct in all of the Los Angeles Community Colleges must conform to District and college rules and regulations. Violations of such rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action depending on the individual's status as student, faculty, staff or visitor.


Violations of such rules and regulations include but are not limited to the following:


Board Rule 9803.12 Dishonesty. Dishonesty, such as cheating, or knowingly furnishing false information to the colleges.


Disciplinary action may be taken upon a student who violates Board Rule 9803.12


(Refer to the current college catalog under general information)


In order to assist all students in their quest to avoid plagiarism and cheating, the following references are being given. These include facts on plagiarism, note taking, proper references and permissions to use published material. If you have any questions, you can ask the librarian or your instructor to assist you.


Plagiarism Links:


 Northwestern University Academic Integrity: http://www.northwestern.edu/uacc/plagiar.html


 Fairfield University Library – Links on Plagiarism and Copyrights: http://www.fairfield.edu/x7990.xml


 Fairfield University Library


o Note taking Tips: http://www.fairfield.edu/x14506.xml


o Quotation Tips: http://www.fairfield.edu/x14507.xml


o Paraphrasing Tips: http://www.fairfield.edu/x14508.xml


o Citation Styles: http://www.fairfield.edu/x14509.xml


o Works Cited Tips: http://www.fairfield.edu/x14511.xml


 DePauw University - Avoiding Plagiarism: http://www.depauw.edu/admin/arc/writing_center/plag.asp


 University of Southern Wales: Avoiding Plagiarism: http://www.lc.unsw.edu.au/onlib/plag.html


General Reference Links to assist students with research:


 Long Island University's list of extensive references links: http://www.liu.edu/CWIS/CWP/library/ref/virtual1.htm#Art


 LATTC Library Links and Online Resources: http://library.lattc.edu/libres.html


 Marin College Professor Links to Research & Tutorials: http://www.marin.cc.ca.us/~adair/workshop.html


 Marin College Professor –Essay Writing Tips: http://www.marin.cc.ca.us/~adair/tips.html


 Purdue University Library Quick Reference Links: http://www.lib.purdue.edu/eresources/readyref/


 Google Search Engine Tutorial: http://www.googleguide.com/


 Web Search Strategies: http://www.learnwebskills.com/search/main.html


 Oxford Reference Online: http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/GLOBAL.html?authstatuscode=200


Note: Copying large sections of an online document and placing it into your paper is not acceptable. You will be expected to write your assignments in your own words. Assignments which are plagiarized can result in a failing grade on that assignment. Plagiarizing assignments repeatedly will result in multiple failed assignments, which will impact the semester grade.


 If you believe your instructor is “absent” and is neither responding to you nor grading assignments for more than a week, contact the dept. chair or the dean over that discipline.


Steps to Add an Online Class That is Closed

Following are the steps by which a student can request to be added to an online class that is closed. This process allows for adding an online class without using the printed add permit and without going to the campus to process it.


Step 1: The student sends an email request to the Teacher. E-mail criteria includes:


 Email must be sent from the same email listed for that student in the Student Information System (SIS).


 The name on the email message header matches the students name in the SIS


 State student name in the email


 State class, section number wishing to add


 Include Term wishing to take the class (i.e. Winter, Spring , Fall , Fall)


Step 2: Instructor forwards the email to Admissions and Records office and includes a statement indicating the student has permission to add the class.


Step 3: The Admissions and Records office processes the request and sends email to the instructor with the outcome. The instructor communicates the outcome to the studen


Once the class is full, students may not be added to online classes until the 1st day of class. 



updated: 5-02-10




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