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agenda - 3-19-10

Page history last edited by abogado 14 years, 7 months ago


Agenda for Law Advisory - March 19,2010 - 12 noon - 2pm- Campus Center 4

Welcome and Introductions


1 Online Tutors - new program

2. Court Internships - see http://court-interns.pbworks.com

3. Law Faculty Evaluation - Student Success/Retention, and Student Evals

4. New Paralegal Cert - Innovation Funds - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/new-certs?mode=print

5. Enrollment in our program

6. SLO - Assessment Results and Stategy - http://slo-law.pbworks.com/analysis-strategy?mode=print

7. New Paralegal Programs at ELAC and Trade

8. auto vs. manual upload of student rosters to moodle

9. Moodle re-certification of faculty

10. Exit and follow up interviews - our paralegal grads - Employer Survey



1. Paralegal - Aj Career Day in April/May

2.  Innocence Project?3.

3. Accreditation approval of Online DE Certificate

4. Spring 2010 Paralegal Graduation Ceremony

5.  Summer 2010 classes

6. Updating Course Outline of Records

7. Items from the Floor

8. Next Advisory Meeting


Updated: 2-03-10




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