
email to Alma on 1-17-10 re TSE Program, Heidi Hillyer

Page history last edited by abogado 15 years, 1 month ago

hi Alma,

I contacted the San Fernando Worksource Center in December, and they sent me two TSE Program Participants to test and interview for our Etudes to Moodle Transition.

Here is information on the TSE program - http://www.employmentstimulus.org/FAQ_sheet.pdf

I interviewed and tested the two participants - Valerie Griffith and Heidi Hillyer.

Attached is the resume of Heidi Hillyer who I believe can help us with the Etudes to Moodle transition. http://abogado.pbworks.com/f/Heidi%20Resume%20(wordpad)%202.rtf

Here are the forms that relate to the TSE program.


My understanding is the County pays for the TSE program participant, and we only supervise and provide an "In Kind Contribution" by providing On the Job Training (OJT). There is no cost or liability for the TSE Program to Mission College. That is all assumed by the TSE Program.

Could you let me know if we can move forward with working with the Worksource Center in San Fernando and the TSE program to work with Heidi to train and supervise her to complete the Etudes to Moodle Transition. Heidi would work with me, Vilma Bernal with her 6 business classes, Som Chounlamountry and his Pol. Sci I class, and other etudes faculty in assisting in the transition.

Let me know if you have any questions.

thanks Alma.



David Jordan, Esq. - Attorney at Law -  Director Los Angeles Mission College Paralegal Studies Program

13356 Eldridge Ave, Sylmar, Ca 91342-3200

cell phone = 818-415-2015, school = 818-364-7720

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