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agenda for Staff Development Meeting of 4-07-05 - monthly-dev


Date: 2005, Apr 06

From: dj


We will have our monthly Staff Development meeting before Academic Senate, tomorrow, Thursday, April 7th, at 12:30 pm in the AACR.


here are the events we are planning:


1. April 12, 19 & 26 from 10-12. "Substance Abuse in Older Adults: Campus Center 4

Diagnosis and Treatment."


April 12--Broadcast I: Overview and Prevention

Fred Blow

Alison Moore David Oslin


April 19--Broadcast II: Assessment and Diagnosis:

Fred Blow Eve Wiseman Peter Lichtenberg


April 26--Broadcast III: Treatment

Fred Blow

David Oslin

Karyn Schoem


2. April 14 12 - 1 "Embracing Electronic Communication" with Crystal & Margie


3. Denim Day and Clothesline Project Weds. April 27th


4. "Brain Health Day" May 2nd Monday 2-3 pm


5. Recognition, Pins and Certificate for Staff And Faculty - May (not set yet)


also here is a (web)log - 'blog' on some of the things covered in the Tech Ed Conference we attended in Pasadena over the last two days - http://lamc-college.blogspot.com


hope you all can attend.







David Jordan, Esq. - Director

L.A. Mission College Paralegal Studies Program

13356 Eldridge Ave., Sylmar, Ca 91342

cell phone = 818-415-2015, school = 818 - 364-7720

webpage = http://profj.us or http://lamission.edu/law


Update of Staff Development Events for April and May 2005


Date: 2005, Apr 25

From: DJ




Update on Staff Development Events - April and May 2005


1. The Recognition Awards for Classified, Staff and Faculty will be held on May 19th, "Breakfast at the Fountain". Please fill out a Nomination Form for anyone you would like to recognize and forward it to David Jordan, Chair. The Breakfast will take place at 8 am.


2. May 4th - Weds at noon - Training on Etudes and Etudes NG - the "new generation" of etudes - LRC 205


3. May 10th, Tuesday at 1-3 pm, and May 19th, Thursday 1-3 pm, LRC 305, "Writing Across the Curriculum" with Dr. Sandra Mano from the UCLA Writing Programs - Transfer Intensive Program ("TIP").


4. April 27th - The Clothesline Project and Denim Day. Everyone wear your "denim" - "Bearing Witness to Violence Against Women" - stop by the Quad, where the Diversity Committee in conjunction with Staff Development and Myriam Mekelburg, Sociology Instructor and her Sociology Classes will present our own "Mission College Clothesline Project". (a mental health counselor will be present to assist).


5. May 2nd 2-3 pm in Campus Center #2 "Maintain your Brain" . This is a workshop sponsored by the Alzheimers Association. The one-hour interactive workshop features nutritional and lifestyle advice, strategies to keep your memory sharp, interactive exercises and activities, and materials to take home for further reading.


The workshop will introduce attendees to scientifically rooted advice on brain health based on strong lifestyle choices, including: Staying sharp with challenging mental activities, Engaging in social interactions, Adopting a brain-healthy diet, Remaining physically active.


This workshop is for adults – especially baby boomers – who want to learn more about staying fit from the neck up!



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