

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago

UCLA Attorney Assistant Training Program





Suggested law classes


the below classes could be taught in a hybrid class format - some on campus, face to face meetings, and some internet or web-based assignments. (see how we have set up our Hybrid classes at Mission College - Application to teach online and hybrid classes - http://lamc-ddl.pbwiki.com/Application%20to%20teach%20onlne%20or%20hybrid%20class)


Civil Rights and the Law - see http://vcsun.org/~djordan/conlaw

__course description__: The student will learn how to analyze and compare the political and historical context of the United States Constitution, and how civil rights evolved. Students will learn to appreciate and understand how the U.S. Supreme works within our American system of "checks and balances". Students will study cases together and learn the patterns of connections, meanings, rulings, holdings, and decisions, and how to apply these to the present day.


Immigration Law for Paralegals - see http://vcsun.org/~djordan/21su/law35

__course description__: s the study of and legal issues related with immigration. Immigration Law introduces the student to a step by step process of obtaining Green Cards, Visas, through different specialties as described in each chapter. The student will learn Immigration Law through the textbook and through related textbook readings, classroom participation & instruction, written projects, multiple choice and fill-in the blank questions, and research on the Internet (World Wide Web).

The end product is a student who understands the legal issues involved with Immigration Law and who can provide the necessary assistance to immigrants and their families.


Elder Law - Law and Aging - see http://yourlawprof.com/21f/law43/

__course description__: Law & Aging introduces the student to advance directives, wills, guardianships, patients' rights in healthcare decision making, entitlement programs, managed care and long-term care insurance, viatical settlements, managed care, long term-care insurance, living facilities for the elderly, financial planning, social security, elder abuse, and resources for the elder law team.

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