time schedule for Sun. 6-11
5 am wake up, clean off table, showers, Eve nails, print out withdrawals, delete shows TVO
6 - 8 am - email, photos, expenses, bills, Call A/A and Sue and Ray
9 - 10 girls
10 - 12 market
12 wash cars
1 - 3 pm A and A
4 pm - 14,000 steps
6 pm dinner
6-9 call devin, emails, dj intro to podcasts/5 - expenses, bills, election results, organize photos, to bed early, water plant, empty garbage
mid term projects
suitcase repair
car repair Eve
framing of art
Vegas Trip
Tucson Trip - DJ
June 16th San Diego Trip
get kitchen floor cleaned
install lighting kitchen and biblioteca
write up Italy trip and organize photos, and do slideshow for family
long term
savour Italy trip
plan next trip
more reading
less TV
back on weight program, and become life time members of Weight Watchers
get off of Jenny Craig
get off of monthly charges - gym and storage
dj to study italian
Eve more time to relax and have fun with her sister
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