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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago


Standard - 3 Technology Resources - Accreditation - Standard-3

tech-com page


Agenda for 8-09-06 Tech Comm Meeting - agenda


  1. email Faculty about Session A and B and new student ID program - see link at http://lamission.edu/students/idfaq/
  2. talk to Ana Fe Robinson about being on Tech Committee
  3. set up Tech Comm meeting for August 8, 9, or 10 - get report of completed IT projects during summer, upcoming projects, new membership, schedule of meetings, and plan projects for the Fall
  4. etudes training- set for 8/7 and 8/10 and 8/14 and 8/15 - 11:30 to 2:30 pm - 4 days to get certified. email faculty and talk to Paul McKenna about training and his faculty.
  5. set up meeting with Mike, Hanh, and Maury on 7/25 or 7/27 to discuss student survey questions
  6. Monday 7/10 at 12 noon, Hanh will send me planning agenda for Standard 3 to review before the meeting
  7. contact Itunes University about storing podcasts on their servers. Hanh will email me. maybe we can have Itunes rep to presentation on Flex Day.

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