Course Syllabus
Textbooks - click here
Business Law - 11th edition
Our Excellent Law Faculty
Specific Class Syllabus are located under each etudes site for each semester
Syllabus - General for All Law Classes
click on specific class syllabus below
Student Responsibility: Our online law program requires a comprehensive and complete understanding of a number of details, procedures and information. Students are assumed to have carefully read all of our procedures and policies located at our "Welcome Message" at , "Dear Online Student" and "Study Guide" which are a comprehensive collection of materials for our program. Students are held fully responsible for information contained at this central location. Students must login to their online class and post their introduction and first set of assignments within a week from the start of the semester or session or they may be excluded and dropped from class, and not permitted to enter the moodle classroom.
Course Assignments: The assignments for each class and the due dates are located at duedates for each class. If there is a "conflict" between the due dates and the moodle class assignments, quizzes, forums, text and materials, the moodle materials will "over rule" if there are differences with the duedates.
Email: Check your instructor's email at our Law Faculty email. Instructors will attempt to respond to all email within 36 hours (72 hours over the weekend or holidays). You can also use the email option within the moodle course website
Study Time Required for Each Class Here are the study time guidelines as set forth in the California Education Code on the study time required in each or your online law classes.
Support Services - Contact the counselors online for any questions. Also we have our paralegal tutors who can assist you with your classes. The Library at Mission has excellent resources. The online databases (along with the key passwords for each is located in your moodle classroom - so once you login you will have access to the online library databases. Use them in your written work including your final legal research and writing papers.
Minimum Technology Requirements Here are the minimum Technical Requirements to take our online law classes. Also make sure you configure your computer to get the optimum performance in your online classes.
Navigation Our Paralegal Program uses the Moodle Course Management System. Watch these videos to learn how to navigate your moodle classroom environment (posting assignments, taking quizzes, posting to discussions, etc.)
Netiquette Read the Core Rules on Netiquette and take the following quiz on Netiquette -
Check in Policy (includes Check In/Drop, Late Policy/Communications Policy - See our policies
Curriculum for our Program: Our Paralegal Certificate contains 12 (twelve) law classes
Passing Grade for our classes: The passing grade for our law classes is C or above.
Course Description: see
Class Location/Times/Equipment Requirements: This course is completely online. Certain time/date deadlines are expected to be met as the course progresses, so you must have access to a reliable computer and reliable internet connection. The course "classroom" can be found online at .
Office Hours: By email, appointment, or contact your instructor at the phone provided under Law Faculty
Textbook: see our program textbooks at - prices vary, along with editions.
Carefully read How to Take an Online class
Student Learning Outcomes: see for Student Learning Outcomes for each Law Class in our Paralegal Program.
Reading Assignments: See for reading assignments for each Law Class in our Paralegal Program.
Quizzes: You can only submit each quiz one time, and receive one score for each quiz. You may, though, open up the quiz (which does not count as an submission of the quiz and thus prevent you from taking the quiz) to print out the questions so you can find the answers in the book. When you do go back to submit your answers, please note that questions are "randomized" each time you open up the quiz, so make sure you are posting your choices to the correct questions. (Law 2 is an exception to this rule). Law 1,2, 10, and 19 based on West Business Law 10th edition - has multiple choice quizzes. Other classes like Law 11 and 18 have questions to answer, and other classes have assignments called "tests" which requires submission of work.
The Quizzes are generally open for a few weeks to allow you to read, and understand the materials before taking the quiz. Once you do take the quiz you will receive an immediate score for your quiz. Note: sharing answers you have received with other students who have not taken the quiz is "Cheating" - see our policies on plagiarism. (Prof. Morinaka Law 2 class has timed tests so make sure you read his individual syllabus and requirements for his class once you login to his class. )
Written Assignments: Generally these will be related to your textbook or class subject. Sometime you will be asked to generate a word document and upload it to the site. Normally you can just post your text in a box for each assignment. You will be able to see the date and time you submitted your assginments by clicking on "assignments" on the left side of your moodle page. It is recommended that you go to your assignments, and copy the materials, questions, resources, references, cases, and then "log off", word process your answers to each question, case, assignment, etc. and then "log in" again and "copy and paste" from your word processor on your computer over to the moodle posting "box" which appears under each assignment in moodle. Please carefully read about "save changes" in the moodle classroom, and do not use it as your word processor.
Discussions: (Forums) - these are open ended questions that are posted on a forum. They are in the nature of a "classroom discussion". Your participation is required, and you will recceive a total of 10% of your grade for your participation in these forum discussions (which will only be entered by your online instructor at the end of the session). Please be courteous in any of your postings and responses to other students. "Reasonable Minds" can differ, but please be polite. - Please note that Law 2 - Prof. Morinaka differs in his use of the Discussion Forums so carefully read the instructions in his class. Carefully read the instructions, and grading rubric for posting to the discussion forums
Late work Read our "Late Work" Policy
A = 90% or above
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = Below 70
F - Below 60
See sample grading rubric for written work. See sample grading rubric for posting to discussion forums.
A grade of C or greater is required to pass the class
Incomplete: It is the students sole responsibility to "drop" the class. Please make sure that you are aware of the Important Dates. If you require a grade of "incomplete," you must advise your instructor as soon as possible and discuss the terms of its removal.
Academic Honesty: All students are held accountable to the following extensive materials and information on our Platiarism Policy
(cited from Prof. Morinaka) - Academic honesty is highly valued at Los Angeles Mission College, just as it is at all colleges and universities. A student must always submit work that represents his or her original words or ideas. If any words or ideas are used that do not represent the student's original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources. The student should also make it clear to what extent such sources was used. Words or ideas that require citations include, but are not limited to, all hard copy or electronic publications, whether copyrighted or not, and all verbal or visual communications when the content of such communications clearly originates from an identifiable source. All submissions to any public meeting or private mailbox fall within the scope of words and ideas that require citations if used by someone other than the original author. At the start of each semester students are required to take the Plagiarism Test (from the Univ. of Indiana) and to post their questions and understanding of plagiarism.
Plagiarism - If you are unclear about how to use text citations properly contact your online law faculty. "Ignorance of the Policy" is not a defense to violating our policy on plagiarism.
Additional Information, Questions and/or problems: Additional information for our program is located at our main law page located at - Please raise any questions or problems as soon you identify them in this syllabus.
Reasonable Accommodations: If you are a student with a disability and require online class accommodations, please see Prof. Jordan an email to discuss arrangements. The sooner we are aware that you are eligible for accommodations, the quicker we will be able to provide them. If you have not done so already, you may also wish to contact the DSP&S Office in Instructional Building 1018 (phone 818/364-7732 TTD 818/364-7861). There website and resources are located at
For students requiring accommodations, the DSP&S Office at Mission College provides special assistance in areas like: registering for courses, specialized tutoring, note-taking, mobility assistance, special instruction, testing assistance, special equipment, special materials, instructor communications, community referrals and job placement.
Welcome aboard, nice having you all as students, enjoy your classes, and work hard.
Prof J.
updated: 5/20/14
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