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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Survey results to Etudes NG Workshop 2 - 10-23-06 to 10-26-06

Instructor: Juan Chacon


survey results:

question # 1

What did you learn today?

1. Add Syllabus Add a .doc to Resources add an attachment to an Announcement Create practice quiz 1 that includes 4-question types (t/f, m/c, short answer, and matching) Publish with allow late submissions and feedback on a specific date Create a pool with 5 questions Create a test with 4 questions random draw from the pool Retract your practice quiz #1 Add Gradebook and create Participation entry for fake student

2. Today I learned about how to upload my class syllabus. The aother section was on how to create and setup quizes and test using multiple choice and fill in the blank features.

3. today we learned about linking sylabi, creating tests, pools, and adding documents to resources etc.

4. Created 3 types of sections for the module. Created a section to compse contents using the Sferyx edition. Learned to use My Workspace.

5. Reviewing material from the last two session was great! Learning about My Workspace practice was insightful and how to unpublish a site very useful. Using and navigating through the gradebook tool was awesome.

6. we reviewed the assingments for the last two days and we learened some short cuts. In addition, worked on my workspace pratice.

7. Post a few messages, delete some Change view options on home page and in chat tool Edit the default “Student Lounge” forum and call it “Student Café.” Add one more forum under the Main category. Call it “Journal Entries.” Go to the Student Café forum; post “Welcome & Introductions” +Post sample replies LOCK the “Welcome & Introductions” thread. Set iframe to show a web page instead of the default course description. Or, set up the home left iframe to point to an image URL Create Module, set properties, and licensing option Create a section where you compose content using the Sferyx editor. In the text window of the editor include an image (uploaded), a link that opens in a new browser window, and text. Paste text from Word with tables and other formatting) Create a section that is an uploaded file (Word, pdf, or ppt Create a section where you compose content using the Sferyx editor. In the text window of the editor include an image (uploaded), a link that opens in a new browser window, and text. Paste text from Word with tables and other formatting) Create a section that is an uploaded file (Word, pdf, or ppt Create 3 types of sections for the module Create a section where you compose content using the Sferyx editor. In the text window of the editor include an image (uploaded), a link that opens in a new browser window, and text. Paste text from Word with tables and other formatting) Create a section that is an uploaded file (Word, pdf, or ppt) Create a section that points to a web page/URL

8. We learned how to set up moules and sections, discussion tools, chat rooms etc.

9. Today was a wonderful learning experience. I now know how to create modules, sections for the modules,enter the discussions and PMs.

10. I learned about the upgrading from etudes to etudes ng and the following: System Gateway Set up of system, browser, java plug-in. We looked at Announcements and Posting announcements Post schedule activity with frequency. We Added an assignment. We Created, completed and graded assignments.

11. activity 13-16, and recap of all the previous activities.

12. Today I learned about Activity System Gateway Set up system, different browsers, the differences between java plug-in. I practiced using Site tools such as announcements and Post announcement.

13. assignment, grading, announcement, scheduling

14. System Gateway Set up of system, browser, java plug-in. Practice using Site tool Activity 2: Announcements Post announcement (Confirm that one announcement has an attachment) Activity 3: Schedule 1. Post schedule activity with frequency 2. Add an assignment and 'add to schedule' Activity 4: Assignments 1. Create, complete and grade an assignment 2. Create an assignment that includes honor pledge, an attach

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question #2

How will you use it in the classroom?

1. This will allow me to create test and other assessment tools

2. Having a class syllabus is obviously mandated and knowing how to do it is wonderful.

3. I will usemost of these tools

4. To develop my on line class

5. In the classroom it is vital for managing classroom curriculum and for students' learning experience a unique one.

6. It assists in classroom management. to assist students in understanding online courses.

7. I will use the activities to creat the lesson plan using the module.

8. the module seems helpful however , i may not use it.

9. I can apply multimedia tools to enhance my students' learning experience.

10. I will attempt to use as much technology as I can to allow for more efficiency.

11. I will build my question pool on the etudes

12. In the classroom all of these tools are practical and necessary when teaching the basic set up for our computers and the students' computers.l

13. I will be able to seek opportunities to teach the online classes.

14. Use the program as an additional tool for my face 2 face class, until the department allows me to teach on line


question #3

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What was helpful, and how can we improve the class?

1. Juan was helpful and cordial as usual.

2. The class needs no improvement. Mr. Chacon is the best.

3. juans patience.

4. As usual Juan did an excellent job

5. Mr. Chacon is just a dedicated and enthusiastic youngman. He is patient with instructors who are unfamiliar or are getting acquanted with the software program ETUDES-NG. In addition, I am very impressed with his extensive knowledge in computers and his natural ability to instruct.

6. as usual, juan has gone out of his way with teaching us so that we truley understand.

7. Our instructor had a great personality and an empathy for the students. We have a great group of participants.

8. juan has done a fine job, his patience works for us

9. The class needs no improvements, but I would like to thank the instructor for his powerful illustrations and guidance.

10. It was all helpful. Juan did an exceptional teacher.

11. the question publishing is good. I think overall the class is good.

12. It was very helpful to emphazise the basics. The class needs no improvements. The instructors, specially Mr. Chacon are very patient.

13. The grading part is helpful. Besides, the trainer was nice and helpful too. I like this class.

14. It was very helpful. The length of the class is optimum length.

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