
Summer 2009 - see information here

Page history last edited by abogado 15 years, 11 months ago

Summer 2009 Priority



below is the list of the 4 classes and the faculty, based upon priority

# Law 10 - Intro to Law - Prof. Jon Jackman - Section ? #0232 (session B section number)

# Law 11 - Civil Litigation - Prof. David Jordan - Section #0233 - session A

# Law 12 - Torts - Prof. David Jordan - Section ?  #0234 (session B section number)

# Law 19 - Property - Prof. Richard Walker - Section #0237 -session A

Law 19 changes from David Jordan to Richard Walker

Law 12 changes from Adam Telanoff to David Jordan

Law 10 remains same but may need new section number

Law 11 remains same (probably can use same section number)

let me know if you need any questions.



I was just informed yesterday that the 7 classes which were anticipated has been reduced to 4 classes and just one session, from June 22- July 19th.

I reviewed the contract on the issue of priority (pages 46, et al.) and calculated the priority. We have not had to do this for the last 3 years since we had enough classes for all of our law faculty to teach. I thought that the way we would approach the 7 classes (which have now been reduced to 4) was to make the assignments based upon seniority. However, because Richard did not teach in Summer of 2006, and Jon did not teach in Summer 2007 that actually affected the order in priority. Sorry for this mistake or miscue on my part.

Based upon the formula, Carol, Manny, Barry, Elise and Adam have all taught for the last three years (2006, 2007, and 2008), Richard and Jon taught in 2 out of the 3 years, and Alberto and Valerie have taught less than 3 years, so they are put on the bottom of the priority list.

Therefore based upon the contract formula, Richard and Jon have a priority of 1, and Carol, Manny, Barry, Elise and Adam have a priority of 1.5, Alberto has a priority of 18, and Valerie 52 per contract (see page 46).

Therefore, I have changed the assignments as follows -

# Law 10 - Intro to Law - Prof. Jon Jackman - Section #0232

# Law 11 - Civil Litigation - Prof. David Jordan - Section #0233

# Law 12 - Torts - Prof. David Jordan - Section #0234

# Law 19 - Property - Prof. Richard Walker - Section #0237

Again, I fought valiantly for more sections, but the College has decided to cut back substantially. In fact the Business and Law is alloted only 24 hours, of which we have 4 classes or 12 of the 24 or 50% in our entire department. Business, AJ, CAOT, and Econ all have just one class during Summer 09 session.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

For Fall 2009, they cut us back from 17 to 15 classes, and so that means that Valerie Lopez and Kevin Koch’s classes were cancelled. Everyone else remains intact on your teaching assignments. see http://abogado.pbwiki.com/fall2009 - I have been told that if the budget improves, as we get closer to Fall 2009, that the two cut classes (Valerie and Kevin) might be replaced. Let’s hope so.

The reason for the cuts is Mission must accommodate $972,000 of mid year adjustment. This means that they have to make these cuts at this time, and thus the cuts across the board, including our program. By the way, we have the highest enrollment ever, with 640 students enrolled for Spring 2009 - see http://academic.lamission.edu/reports/enrollment/Report.aspx?CouIDs=559&YrSem=20091&Sem=Spring&Yr=2009

12 out of our 18 classes are full, enrollment is 88.40 %, and the average class size is 35. The average class size for the rest of the College is around 20-22 students. So thanks for all your great efforts. We are doing a great job, and it is sad that the cuts reach our program as it is one of the fastest programs at Mission.


Summer. For summer classroom teaching assignments, a “full assignment” is 6 standard

hours. A class with value of 5 standard hours will also count as a full assignment. For a

probationary or tenured faculty member, the total pay for a full assignment is at the same

salary factor as was used in the 1999-2002 Contract (80%). Beginning Summer Session

2009 instructors teaching their entire summer assignment in the first summer session will

receive one paycheck at the end of that session corresponding to the July pay period;

instructors teaching all other summer assignments will receive two level paychecks, one

during the July pay period and one in the August pay period.

Priority. Both winter and summer intersession assignments shall be made separately (i.e. each

discipline has its own priority list--that is, one list for Winter and one list for Summer, even though

Summer may have multiple sessions), in the following priority order and shall provide each person

assigned with an opportunity for a full assignment in priority order:

1. Monthly rate contract and regular faculty at the college in a given discipline (from Table A of

Article 13), teaching a portion of their regular fall or spring semester load during an


2. Monthly rate contract and regular faculty at the college. This includes regular faculty at the

college performing duties under an approved load-banking plan, as long as they areeligible

according to the priority chart rules in Section B 5 below.

3. Temporaryadjunct faculty who have seniority at the college under Article 16 (the relative

priority within this categoryshall be determined as specified in Section B.6 below).

4. All others.

Calculating Priority for Contract Faculty Members. Any contract faculty member with less

than one calendar year of service as of March 1 for Summer Session and November 1 for

Winter intersession will be placed at the bottom of the priority list. If there is more than

one faculty member in this category in a given department, the tie will be broken in the

following sequence: If thereareany intersession assignments as a probationary, conditional

or substitute, these can be first compared on a three year basis as to number and then to

recency. If this fails to break the tie, then the standard procedure used in Priority Rank will

be applied. After having taught one full academic year, any contract faculty member will

be assigned a priority number 52. After having taught two full academic years, and if no

intersession assignment was served, the contract faculty member will be advanced to

priority number 18. After having taught three full academic years, and if no intersession

assignment was served, the contract faculty member will be advanced to priority number 1.

Irrespective of the number of years of probationary service, once an assignment has been

served, the faculty member will be placed on a priority position as determined by the

respective intersession (summer or winter) Priority Position Chart.


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