

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago
 Steps to Teach a Class online


 1. Discuss which class to teach online with your Department Chair

 2. Review the course oultine of record and determine if it needs to be updated - http://www.lamission.edu/curriculum/process.aspx

3. Choose your course management system and get trained and certified in it. Upon completion and certification, send a copy of the certificate to the DE Chair - Prof. David Jordan - fax to 1-866-371-5519

4. Follow the DE Approval Process - http://www.lamission.edu/curriculum/distanceeducation.aspx

5. Fill in the application to teach online - http://www.lamission.edu/curriculum/forms/DE_app.doc and give it to the Curriculum Chair - Said Pazirandeh

6. Upload your class materials, including syllabus, textbook, assigments, quizzes, discussions, etc. - see the rubric for guidance in creating your online course -  http://www.lamission.edu/enrollment/c/C100907/DE_Rubric.doc

7. Once your course is uplaaded, contact the Curriculum and DE Chair and have the course evaluated.

8. Update the course with any recommendations from the course evaluation

9. Department Chair upon certification of the instructor and the online course will schedule the class to be taught online

July 21st @One Training in Moodle - see moodle training through @One - starts July 21 - see http://www.cccone.org/online-courses/popup_courses.php#OT4




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