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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

Getting Started in your Online Class


Welcome to your online class.


  1. etudes classical technical requirements
  2. etudes classic login information
  3. classic etudes orientation
  4. Troubles Logging in - problems
  5. login to your etudes classroom - http://lamc.etudes.fhda.edu


1. First read about how to login to class - http://profj.us/login


2. Once you have logged into class, make sure you check for any messages, by clicking on the left side -"messages" in your etudes classroom.


3. Next go to "classroom " on the left side, and check for your syllabus, and any instructions about your class.


4. Then go to "assignments" and print them out. Make sure you keep up with your work.


5. Finally do not forget but check out "tests on the left side to see if the class has any tests.


6. Also check on "forums" to see if your instructor wants you to post your comments to a discussion question. If so go to the discussion question, and click on "reply" at the bottom right, and type in your name and subject matter, and click on submit. Please note that when you submit an "assignment" or a "test" it will show the words "received" under each assignment or test after you submit it. However, this DOES NOT work in the FORUMS. So as long as you have posted to the forum, and you see your posting, that is OK. You will not see a "received" under "assignments" if your instructor has you posting to the FORUMS as an assignment.


7. Make sure to drop the class if you decide not to contnue and complete the class. It is not the responsability of your instructor to "drop" or exclude you, and if you do not do this, you may end up getting a "F" for the class because you did not complete the work, and it is very difficult if impossible to have the "F" removed from your record when you forget to drop the online class. Go to http://profj.us/student - the student information system and drop the class as soon as you know that you are not going to continue with the class.


8. You can take an orientation to etudes by going to this link - http://profj.us/etudes/orientation/


9. Read the "typical day" of an online student at http://profj.us/day/typical.htm


10. Check out information at our Mission College website - http://lamission.edu/students.html


Hope the above helps. Any problems email your online instructor with your questions.


Prof J.

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