

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago



1. add to flexday - student id report and new web design

2 add copy of Mission Statement to Flexday Folder

3. 8/16 look at 2b and 2a, 8/23 3d and 4, 8/30 2b and 3c

4. put together minutes and charter, etc. for Staff Dev and DEC

5. write up changes and developments since 2002 for Paralegal Program

6. revise Unit Assessment - Law and give it to Alma, Maury, and Terry

7. check into what constitutes a substantive change in paralegal program - see Harbor

8. Recap meeting with Alma

9. Add Ari and Anna to Law 17

10. Upload Music, and check into Field Trip to Courts

11. CET Survey

12. model answers for law 10




  1. Call Anyu
  2. post to BA
  3. Lemon Law
  4. check Ken recent photos
  5. call Carol and Mike
  6. Kaiser Chiro
  7. pick up RX
  8. email Kalen
  9. do license plates for Eve

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