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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

Recap or "Revoluntiary Wealth"

9-11 Monday

9-10 Sunday - Fad of the Month

lots of chaos now, have a cemetery of dead ideas so we seize upon a "fad of the month". we need to understand the "deep fundamentals" - a transformationn of roles and bundaries, and social, culture, etc. is occurring. in 1956 was first year in which white collar employees exceeded blue collar so we became a "knowledge based society" = no longer based on "brawn" or muscle. in 1957, launching of sputnik, so we got into competition with systems, technology, - then in 1966 we had NOW who said women should be able to compete with men. also in 1966 the ARPANET, child of the internet.

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