report on SSI-march03

agenda for 3-02-06 meeting - student-success3


Date: 2006, Feb 28

From: dj


We will discuss the 2-10 Student Success workshop co-sponsored by Staff Development, and the College District Spring Student Success Workshop and Accreditation.


Los Angeles Community College District

Spring Student Success Workshop


“Building a Culture of Student Engagement”


Los Angeles Trade Technical College

Friday, March 3, 2006




I. Check in & Continental Breakfast 8:15 a.m.


II. Welcome 9:00 a.m.


Rocky Young, Chancellor, LACCD

Sylvia Scott-Hayes, President, LACCD Board of Trustees


III. The LACCD Student Success Initiative 9:10 a.m.


David Beaulieu, ELAC Academic Senate President


IV. Workshop Overview 9:20 a.m.


Gary Colombo, Chancellor’s Liaison


V. “LifeMap: A Learning-Centered System for Student Success” 9:30 a.m.


Dr. Michael Bosley, Assistant Provost, Valencia Community College, Florida


VI. College Breakouts .11:00 a.m.


Deborah Harrington, LAVC Senate VP & STARS Program Director


VII. Summary Reports & Workshop Wrap Up 12:00 p.m.



materials on our Student Success Workshop of 2-10


building a culture of engagement


The Positive Commandments: Ten Ways Community Colleges Help Students Succeed


The Negative Commandments: Ten Ways Community Colleges Hinder Student Success


answers to Accreditation Questions - Sub-Committee 5 - Standard 3-A - Institutional Evaluation


Date: 2006, Mar 09

From: dj


sub-committee 5 - Staff Development - Accreditation Questions


5. The institution provides all personnel with appropriate opportunities for continued professional development, consisten with the institutional mission and based on identified teaching and learning needs.

a. the institution plans professional development activities to meet the needs of its personnel

b. with the assistance of the participants, the institution systematically evaluates professional development programs and uses the results of these evaluations as the basis for improvement.


- what professional development programs does the institution support ? -


see staff development plan of 9/01/00 -( (1) - which includes activitities and projects including responsible party, and timeline for all three segments of Staff Development (Faculty,Classified,Adminsitration, and Executive training and development) was adopted by the committee


- how does the institution identify teaching and learning needs of its faculty and other personnel?


The Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Presdient and Staff Development review existing criteria for eligble staff and faculty development and develop goals jointly with the Academic Senate on faculty development and develop a plan, to include strategies for goal attainment. The plan includes in-house workshops, conferences, seminars, site visits, best practices, and guest speakers.


- what processes ensure that professional development opportunities address those needs?


- The Staff Development Committee meets every month before the Academic Senate and plans activities for faculty and staff


- how does the college ensure meaningful evaluation of professional development activities?


No formal evaluation occurs. Participants in conferences must fill in a school form stating what they leared at the conference. In workshops, participants are requested to fill in evaluation forms.


- what impact do professional development acitivities have on the improvement of teaching and learning?


Faculty implement what they learn in the classroom. (see the update of staff development activities to demonstrate the impact of professional development activities on teaching and learning - ( (2)


- how does the institution evaluate that improvement


Evaluation is done through evaluation of faculty, and as part of that process, the faculty provides data and information on their faculty development and improvement activities.





1. Comprehensive Staff Development Plan - 9/01/00


2. Update on Staff Development Activities from 2001 - to - present


updated: 3-09-06 at 12:11 pm

David Jordan

Chair of Staff Development