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Starting your Classes






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Starting your Classes


Fall 2006 Classes

- 15 weeks 9-05-06 to 12-21-06. - Print out your duedates

for each class, and that is your entire work for the class. You

can add the class by first

enrolling as a student at Mission College, and then add your

class by using the phone (To enroll by phone: Call the STEP system

using a touch-tone telephone at the date and time of your enrollment

appointment or anytime after your appointment until one day prior

to the start of classes. System Hours: Monday through Saturday

from 8:00am to 11:00pm STEP telephone numbers: (818) 988-2222

- (213) 689-8888 - (310) 605-0505 or by adding classes through

the Student Information System at http://www.laccd.edu/student_information/sis_logon.asp?campus=d.)

We use the etudes classic Coure Management System. You need to

login to this system to work on your classes. To get started on

your Etudes Classes read information at http://missionclasses.pbwiki.com/start


Our main webpage is located at http://lamission.edu/law

- The site index is located at http://lamission.edu/siteindex.html

Your onilne instructor faculty information, biography, phone and

email is located at http://lamission.edu/law/lawfaculty.htm.

Fall 2006 Classes

will not be "opened" for work until Sunday, September

3rd, 2006 at 6 pm. You can take the etudes

orientation to get an idea of how the class works. All students

start the online classes on the same date and time and all students

complete their respective classes on the same date and time (Sunday

September 3, 2006 at 6 pm, and complete classes on Thursday, December

21, 2006 at 11:30 pm). Due Dates will vary depending on the class

in which you are enrolled. Deadlines are all at 11:30 pm on the


assigned duedates.

. You must stay "on top" of these classes. You must

be organized and disciplined. You cannot submit "late

work", and missing assignments will really hurt your

grade. Read and apply information on study


Print out "HREF="http://profj.us/duedates">Duedates"

for your respective class(es). Please note the date and time each

assignment is "due". It is regularly at 11:30 pm. You

cannot log on at 11:29 pm and hope to "post" your work

in time, as it will time out, and not allow you to post after

11:30 pm. So be very careful to allow enough time to post your

work before the 11:30 pm deadline.


Law 1 and 17 due dates are on Mondays, Law 11 and 18 on Tuesdays,

Law 10 and 19 on Wedsnesdays, Law 12 and 34 on Thursdays, and

Law 13 and 2 (Barry Morinaka's class) are due on Sundays. ( see

his due-dates).

This allows students enrolled in more than one class to have work

due on different days of the week. (remember 11:30 pm -no later)


Tutoring Program and "Meet and Confer" - In the

Fall 2005 semester, we piloted a new program - the "tutoring

program" - see program

guidelines - We now have an excellent team

of tutors who can help you with any questions you might have.

Please take advantage of contacting them. They were all excellent

students in our program who have recently graduated and who have

encountered all of the same problems you will face with our law

materials. We also  "Meet and Confer" HREF="http://profj.us/meet-confer/login/">on the phone, once every

week, with any interested students, the tutors, and one of

our law instructors. This is a chance to ask questions "face

to face", or "ear to ear" - so to speak. The students

who participated in the Fall "Meet and Confer" sessions

found them very useful, helpful and supportive. Try them. I promise

that you will not be disappointed.


Please read the following links, print out any useful information,

and set up a 3 ring binder to have "at hand" -

1. Take "Orientation" and learn how to use Etudes -

(click here

) - great new Orientation to etudes for new students. Read "How

to Login" to Etudes - (click

here)  Read about Etudes "FAQ"- (click

here. ). Read typical day in the life of an online student

(click here). Read

Information on our new "pilot project" - Online Tutoring

(click here) Read

information on our "Meet and Confer" (click

here)- here is our list of tutors (click

here) - Join the List Serv so you can receive emails about

courses, jobs, program announcements (click




out these useful resources to help you navigate through all of

our online materials-(click



Prof J's Blogs (recent updates about important information for

students in the paralegal program (click

here). Also read Paralegal Jobs Blog (click

here) - this will update you on getting a paralegal job once

you graduate with your certificate.

Read about legal research (click

here), also learn about citations (click

here), and how to brief law cases (click

here). Read "How to Study Law (click

here), Good Legal Writing (click

here), and Readling like a Lawyer (click



2. Read the Description about your Class -(click

here) Read the Paralegal Program Objectives (click

here). Read "How to Improve your Quiz Scores" (this

is for Quizzes in Law 1, 2, 10, and 10) (click

here), and then read our Policy on Appeals on Disputed Questions

(click here).

3. Read the Syllabus for your class (click

here) - read the Due Dates for your class (click



4. Order your textbook (click


5. Read carefully our Policy on Late Assignments -(click


6. Read Grading Rubric for law classes - (click

here) . A note on grades: you can check your grades

in an etudes class by first clicking under "assignments",

and then go to the bottom and click on "my grades".

Also note that grades will be posted by your professor to show

your progress in the class. You can be dropped from the class,

without notice, if you are carrying an "F" in the class.

If you are dropped, you no longer will be able to work under etudes.

However, it is the student's responsibility to drop the class

at the college or district level. It is not the instructor's responsibility.

Some students are dropped from the etudes class, and think that

the instructor has excluded them, and then receive an F on their

transcript. If you are not going to continue in the class, do

not leave it to the instructor to exclude you. Go to the student

information system and drop yourself. This is the only way

to protect yourself from not getting an F for failing to complete

the class.


7. Lecture outlines - (click

here), powerpoint slides -(click

here), Emmanuel Summary of Law - (click

here)   ** only for Law 1, 11, 12, 16, and 19

8. Bookmark Law Dictionary - (click

here) click here

9. Read Our Policy on Plagiarism -(click

here) click here, Our Program embraces "Academic Honesty

and Integrity" - (click



10. Look at Paralegal Certificate - (click

here) and also our online certificate - (click


11. Look at Mission College webpage - (click

here) and look at Students - (click

here), look at student information system - (click



12. Bookmark these pages to go to your 'etudes classrooms' - HREF="http://lamission.edu/law/26f/">Fall 2006 Classes


13. Familiarize yourself with the Important Dates for the College,

and your classes. (click


14. Please be respectful to your instructor and other students.

Please do not abuse the etudes message system when you are using

it in the classroom. It is a privilege and not a right. Please

carefully read the Standards of Student Conduct - (click

here). Read Students Rights and Responsibilities (click



Nice having you all as students. Welcome Aboard. Work hard, and

enjoy your classes. Do not hesitate to email

your online instructor if you have any questions.

Enjoy your classes.

email Prof. J at abogado@pacbell.net

or call him on his cell phone 818-415-2015 if you have

any questions.


Updated at 5:36 pm on 8-21-06


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