

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago

promotion of paralegal program


flyers - http://lamission.edu/law/oncampus - http://www.missionparalegal.com/flyer/ - http://missionparalegal.com/promo -


1. can be effectively promoted in various courthouse locations since many government employees are looking for ways to increase their knowledge and earnings potential.


2. through high schools


3. local attorneys


4. Post flyers in courts, attend college workshops and contact organization educational directors so that they can pass the information to their employees regardless of type of employment.


5. You could place an add with the LSI groups (Legal Secretaries, Inc.). I'm sure there are many Legal Secretaries who would be interested in taking your courses.


6. lapa and local paralegal associations


7. law-firms-sylmar


8. gorilla marketing in house

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