
lead developer of moodle

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago

Hi! I'm the lead developer of Moodle and this site.


I'm 36 and I've been working on Internet stuff since 1986, so I think most people tend to see me as an "Internet guy". In particular, most of my experience has been in education at a tertiary level - I was webmaster of a large university since the web started, and manager of a WebCT system for many years after that. I have postgraduate degrees in Computer Science and Education and, if Moodle ever lets me finish it, a PhD entitled "The use of Open Source software to support a social constructionist epistemology of teaching and learning within Internet-based communities of reflective inquiry".


My main mission in life now is Moodle. I started it in 1999 out of frustration with the existing commercial software at the time. Since then the project has been growing exponentially in terms of size and activity. I work from home each day with many different people from around the world on a ever-widening variety of things. It's challenging but exciting and certainly gives me good reason to jump out of bed in the mornings!


I get about 500 emails a day already and can't respond to most of them, so please don't send me mail asking for free help. Use the forums on Moodle.org for that so others have a chance to help you.


For commercial Moodle support please visit Moodle.com. You can see more about me on my old home page at dougiamas.com.




Location: Perth, Australia

Web page: http://moodle.com/

ICQ number: 4285618

Skype ID: moodler status

AIM ID: moodlermac

MSN ID: martin@moodle.com

Last access: Tuesday, 23 May 2006, 04:19 AM (8 hours 59 mins)

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