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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago

welcome messages

Welcome to law 34 - legal research - please bookmark the main law page at http://lamission.edu/law along with your classwiki at



There is no textbook for Legal Research. There is one you can use if it helps - see http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks


If this is your first online class, we will have an on campus orientation on Monday, July 24th, 2006, in LRC 205 - this will be confirmed and a further email sent to you. If you are local and can and wish to attend please do so. The orientation is voluntary and is NOT required. We will have a Meet and Confer session on Monday 7-24 - more details to follow. see http://lamission.edu/law/26sua/meet


You cannot login to work on the class until 7 am 7-24-06, and 8/26/06 at 11:30 pm is the last date to submit work.


Print out the due dates at http://profj.us/26su/law34/duedates/ - please no late work - see http://profj.us/late


You can start now by searching for a legal topic to do your research on - see http://del.icio.us/abogado/topics

Remember: your papers MUST have at least 3 cases or codes cited within it to support your thesis - that is the proposition or legal argument (in favor or in opposition) you are making. please make sure every case has a proper citation - i.e. name of case, date case decided, volume of the case reporter, the name of the case reporter, and the page number (an electronic citation given by internet research IS NOT a correct citation - read http://del.icio.us/abogado/citations - a word to the wise - substantial points taken off your papers if you do not have CORRECT CITATIONS - about 50 percent of students do not USE CORRECT CITATIONS - so do not be one of those 50%. look at the class wiki for samples from previous semester student papers. they are very good and instructive.


enjoy the class and work hard. contact your paralegal tutors at http://paralegaltutors.pbwiki.com for any questions, and follows the appeal process on quiz questions if you disagree with the answers.


you can contact your online instructor Prof J. at http://lamission.edu/law/faculty/jordan


Nice having you all as students, enjoy the class, and work hard.


Prof J.



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"Post here on California Primary vs. Secondary Law"


California - state law - primary vs. secondary"


1. reivew the difference between primary and secondary law



2. review California primary law California law resource page with links to legislative information, statute search, executive information, attorney general, courts, court system, judicial branch, rules of court, court opinion search, state agencies, counties, historical documents, and boards and commissions. see http://www.washlaw.edu/uslaw/states/California/



3. review California Secondary sources



4. then define the difference between primary and secondary California legal sources, and give examples of each kind


then remember to use your entire name, and post by clicking on "reply" on lower right corner.


good luck. Prof. J

"Post on Federal Sources here"


1. review Federal source of law at http://www.llrx.com/features/us_fed2.htm


2. review powerpoint presentation on Statutes as Primary Source of the Law



3. reveiw powerpoint presentation on Cases as Primary Source of the law



4. Review difference between Federal and State Law



5. Define the difference between Federal and State Law, and then define the difference between Federal Primary vs. Federal Secondary Legal Sources, and give some examples of each kind.


Remember to use you entire name, and post by clicking on "reply" on lower right corner.


good luck. prof. J.

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