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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 12 months ago

Welcome to law 34 - Legal Research -Fall 2006


please bookmark the main law page at http://lamission.edu/law along with your classwiki at http://legalresearch.pbwiki.com/ - also - http://missionbridge.pbwiki.com/legal-research


To login to etudes you will need to use your new student ID number - last 5 digits and NOT your SSN - see http://lamission.edu/it/faq.html


Join us for Meet and Confer phone conferences - http://profj.us/meet-confer


We have opened up the etudes classroom for the class to allow students to start working on the first 3 assingments. The etudes class formally opens on Sunday, 9/03 at 6 pm.


Law 34 requires are research paper.


There is no textbook for Legal Research. There is one you can use if it helps - see http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks


If this is your first online class, we will have an on campus orientation in the first week of the Fall 2006 semester. Email Prof J at abogado@pacbell.net for more details if you are interested. You can also attend if you are a veteran paralegal student. We will go over questions you might have about legal research, and your legal research papers. The orientation is voluntary and is NOT required. We will have a Meet and Confer sessions during the semester - more details to follow. check out http://profj.us/meet-confer.


You cannot login to work on the class until 6 pm on 9-03-06, Sunday evening and 12-21 is the last date to submit work.


Print out the due dates at http://profj.us/26f/law34/duedates/ - please no late work - see http://profj.us/late


You can start now by searching for a legal topic to do your research on - see http://del.icio.us/abogado/topics

Remember: your papers MUST have at least 3 cases or codes cited within it to support your thesis - that is the proposition or legal argument (in favor or in opposition) you are making. please make sure every case has a proper citation - i.e. name of case, date case decided, volume of the case reporter, the name of the case reporter, and the page number (an electronic citation given by internet research IS NOT a correct citation - read http://del.icio.us/abogado/citations - a word to the wise - substantial points taken off your papers if you do not have CORRECT CITATIONS - about 50 percent of students do not USE CORRECT CITATIONS - so do not be one of those 50%. look at the class wiki for samples from previous semester student papers. they are very good and instructive.


enjoy the class and work hard. contact your paralegal tutors at http://paralegaltutors.pbwiki.com for any questions, and follows the appeal process on quiz questions if you disagree with the answers.


you can contact your online instructor Prof J. at http://lamission.edu/law/faculty/jordan


Nice having you all as students, enjoy the class, and work hard.


Prof J.


also we are trying a new service. livechat with Prof J. - try it at


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