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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

moodle law1-3081 law2-0254 law10-3235 law11-0337 law12-0289 law16-0125 law17-0339 law18-0415
duedates law1-3081  law2-0254  law10-3235  law11-0337  law12-0289 law16-0125  law17-0339  law18-0415


Law19-0257 law20-0255 law34-0258

late start

Law1 Law10 Law13    
duedates law19-0257 law20-0255 law34-0258


Law1 Law10 Law13    


Due Dates for Law 34 - Work due on Tuesdays - Legal Research - Spring 2008 - Section # 0258 - Prof J. - abogado@pacbell.net - 818-415-2015

law home - http://lamission.edu/law - look at classwiki - http://legalresearch.pbwiki.com - important dates - see course description - http://www.lamission.edu/disciplines/law.html - legal notes - http://profj.us/legalnotes/ - format for legal research paper - http://profjordan.pbwiki.com/format - Work in Law 34 is due on Tuesdays at 11:55 pm - no late work please - http://profj.us/late 

All of the work below is done under moodle

Distribution of Grades

Tests  is 30% of your grade

Assignments  are 35% of your grade

Final Legal Research Paper  = 25 % of your grade

Disussion Forums = 10% of your grade and entered at the end of the semester


*************total percentage = 100%


A = 90 or above

B = 80 -89

C = 70-79

D = 0-69


A grade of C or greater is required to pass the class

Week 1 - Due 2-12-08


Week 2 - Due 2-19-08


Week 3 - Due 2-26-08


Week 4 - Due 3-04-08


Week 5 - Due 3-11-08


Week 6 - Due 3-18-08


Week 7 - Due 4-01-08


Week 8 - Due 4-08-08


Week 9 - Due 4-15-08


Week 10 - Due 4-22-08


Week 11 - Due 4-29-08


Week 12 - Due 5-06-08


Week 13 - Due 5-13-08


Week 14 - Due 5-20-08




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