Welcome to Law 10 - Fall 2006
Welcome to Law 10 - Intro to Law - Fall 2006. This class is hybrid, that means part held on campus, Weds evenings - 5-7 pm and then the rest on the internet. We have a new service and that is livechat with Prof J. - you can click on http://profj.us/livechat or go to http://lamssion.edu/law and click on the live chat icon. look at your class wiki at http://classwikis.pbwiki.com - print out your assignments. I have opened up the etudes page so you can work on the first three assignments. See you on Weds. 9/06 at 5 pm - in Instructional 1010.
Look at the class wiki at http://classwikis.pbwiki.com - also look at the appeals process for quizzes at http://profj.us/appeals .
It is nice having you all as students. Please read "getting started" - http://profj.us/start. Also please print out your "duedates" - see http://profj.us/duedates. Make sure that you check both assignments, tests, and messages when you login to your etudes classroom. see http://profj.us/day/typical.htm
Grades will be updated frequently, go to assignments, scroll down and click on "my scores". Read information under "classroom" - Read the "Appeals Process" to quiz questions at http://www.profj.us/appeals/
Enjoy the class and work hard.
Read the First Day of Class http://profj.us/1stday
If you have never taken an etudes class - then take the orientation at
Nice having you all as students. Make sure that you use your "tutors" and join us in the "meet and confer" sessions (dates to be posted soon).
Here is information on the tutoring program
http://paralegaltutors.pbwiki.com - join us for "Meet and Confer" - see http://profj.us/meet-confer (site will be updated for Fall 2006 meeting dates and times.
Work hard, and enjoy the class. Remember "no late" work is allowed, see http://profj.us/late -
Remember to purchase your textbook at the start of class. Quizzes are based on the textbook. http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks
Remember to read our policy on plagiarism
Our program embraces "Academic Honesty" - see article at
Also remember, when you "post" in the forums, just go the lower right corner and click on "reply" (not on "post" at the top of the page) - also please use your full name, no credit can be given for nicknames, and do not register as a "user" - just post your response or answers as "unregistered user" -
Also please join the Paralegal List-Serv. This will help us to keep in touch with you about the program, job openings, etc.
Bookmark the site index at http://lamission.edu/law/siteindex.html
deadlines for assignments is 11:30 pm on given date. do not wait to login at 11:29 pm to post your work, as it possibly will not work. give yourself enough time to post your work.
here is how to cut, copy and paste
it is recommended that you open up your word processor, and save your work in document file, and then "copy and paste" over to the etudes box for posting your work. (the reason is that you can spend a lot of time working in an etudes box and your work is lost and not saved after you have spent a lot of time preparing your work - so instead save your work in a word processor, and then cut,copy and paste it over to etudes box. this is a very common mistake we have all made in working in etudes.
to get a simple word processor, in windows, click on start, lower left corner, then program, accessories and word pad, and then use that for your word processor.
most of the assignments give an actual court case. you must read, understand these cases, and use the court rules and court findings (i.e which party won, and why). start your postings NOT with "It is my opinion" - start with "the party who won the case was, and because - cite the court rules.
best of luck everyone. welcome aboard. prof. J.
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