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Lab Scheduling Policies



link is located at http://www.nacs.uci.edu/computing/labpolicy.html

here is the policy for scheduling labs at UC Irvine. Could you look at it and see if we can adopt it for our situation?



Summary: We have several instructional labs available for instructional use. To schedule a lab, use the online request form. Please read the policy below for information about the labs and scheduling.


Quick Index

Related Information


* Lab Request Form

* Printing in the Labs

* Instructional Labs Schedule

* Lab Locations

* Access and Hours

* Reserving/Scheduling the NACS Instructional Labs

* Lab Costs

* Software Installation Policy

* Guidelines for Instructors


Lab Goals


The purpose of the NACS Computer Labs is to provide computing resources (computers, software, network access, etc.) for UCI campus educational activities, with priority being given to providing support for those classes that are listed in the quarterly UCI "Schedule of Classes".


Note: Due to the high demand for the labs during the regular school calendar, NACS is no longer able to schedule non-UCI class use of the labs during the academic calendar. Such use is still available during other times, e.g., quarter breaks and weekends. This situation will be reviewed each quarter.


* In addition to scheduled classes, labs are for educational, drop-in use , and student-directed activities.

* Labs are resource to develop new uses of computer-based educational activities.

* Lab are for use by variety of disciplines.

* Lab equipment and software environments serve as models for other campus instructional labs.

* To facilitate the development of departmental and school-wide labs for continuing, large-scale use of instructional computing.


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Our Instructional Labs are located in the Multipurpose Science & Technology Building (MSTB) and ArtsTEC.


* MSTB Lab A (MSTB 210) - 46 PC Pentium III Computers.

* MSTB Lab B (MSTB 226) - 46 PC Pentium III Computers.

* MSTB Lab (Both) - MSTB Lab A and B are available separated by a moveable partition and are available as one large lab for classes needing 90+ seats.

* ArtsTEC - 24 G4 Macintosh Computers


Access and Hours


The MST, Building, is open during the following hours when school is in session:


* 7:00 AM - 6 PM, Monday through Friday


These labs will generally be locked and alarmed outside of those hours. Exceptions are made during peak use periods (beginning and end of quarters).


* Scheduled Classes: Normally only students enrolled in the class that has reserved a lab may use the facility during the period of reservation. Other students may enter at the discretion of the instructor.

* "Drop-In" Use: The NACS Classroom Computing labs may be used for "drop-in" use by students, etc., when a reserved class is not scheduled or in session. Schedules of reserved classes and maintenance periods are posted outside of each lab's door.


Please check the schedule for the week:


* Posted outside the door of each lab, to see when classes are in session.

* Online Version - Select "Current Schedule" next to the lab you are interested in.


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Reserving/Scheduling NACS Classroom Computer Labs

Scheduling for Class Time

Scheduling is only available for the actual time the class meets as stated in the Schedule of Classes. If your students need more time for homework and TA guidance, they may utilize the drop in hours after 6:00 PM or when other classes are not scheduled.

Maximum Hours for Scheduling

The maximum number of hours that can be reserved across all NACS scheduled labs is 20 hours per week per class, or the equivalent of 2 hours/student per week, whichever is less. Thus, a class with 50 students will be allowed to reserve a maximum of 4 hours/ week (using 25 computer seats per lab).


Blocks of time for reserved use may only be scheduled between the hours of 8 AM through 6 PM, Monday - Friday, to allow drop-in use in the evenings.

Making Reservations

Many instructors have have found a short introduction to the lab facilities beneficial to their efficient use of the lab. For that reason, instructors and/or their TAs are encouraged to have completed a brief orientation on the features of the NACS Labs before using the lab. ( See section below: "Guidelines for Instructors"). As the reservation is made, NACS personnel will advise the reservation-maker to advise the instructors to contact the pertinent NACS lab manager to discuss any software or systems issues that may arise with this classes use of the lab.


The labs may be reserved via a web form. For information about fees, see the section on "Fee Schedule for Reserved Use".


All requests for reservations must be confirmed by NACS to be considered valid.


Reservations for instructional use can be made up to 2 quarters in advance of the actual class. All reservations for a quarter must be made by the Monday of the 2nd week of that current quarter.

Lab Cancellation Policy

NACS recognizes the inevitability of class dates and times changing, and will make every attempt to accommodate your group. The Lab scheduling coordinator must be notified of cancellations at least 5 working days before the session meets or you will be recharged for the full amount originally agreed upon.


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Lab Costs for Scheduled Use


* No Fee - Classes Listed in Quarterly UCI "Schedule of Classes" and UCI Summer Sessions Classes

* $40 per hour - Classes/Events Not Listed in Quarterly UCI "Schedule of Classes"

* $25 Administrative Fee - a fee of $25 will be assessed to cover NACS administrative costs for "too frequent" (more than two changes) changing of reservations .


Software Installation Policy


Valid Licenses Required

We will install only software that has a proper and valid license. There are no exceptions to this rule. 'Demo' or 'evaluation' copies will not be available in these labs.


2 Week Lead Time for Installation

To provide adequate lead time for software test/installation, instructors should notify NACS of all software needs at time of reservation. All software installation requires a minimum lead time of two weeks.

Software Installation Fees

Charges will include cost of license and maintenance for all software outside of "standard" NACS Classroom Lab software configuration.


A fee of $60 /hour will be charged for any software installation(s). All requests for software should be made at reservation time. Due to high demand for lab services, software requests made just before to during the scheduled quarter are subject to significant delays in installation.


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Guidelines for Instructors

Instructor Orientation

We recommend that new instructors complete a brief orientation ( which may be done via phone or by visiting the labs) on the features of the NACS Labs before using the lab. If you are using the NACS Labs for the first time, such an orientation is the best way to familiarize yourself with the features of the facilities, such as software, computer hardware and display equipment before the first class meeting. Waiting until after the quarter begins to do this usually delays the effective use of the lab by the instructor.

Special Arrangements

If there are special arrangements (e.g., additional equipment, new software, etc.) that need to be made for the class, NACS must be contacted with sufficient advance notice. If you have any questions related to using the labs for instruction, please contact NACS at 824-2222, or e-mail us at nacs@uci.edu

Student Lab Time Guidelines

The actual lab time needed by students will vary depending upon the software being used, the task(s) and their degree of experience with it. However, in general, we recommend that instructors plan their labs so that each student will have approximately 2 hours per week. Using the specified amount of lab time per student and the fact that each scheduleable lab has 25 computers, instructors should be able to estimate the total lab time per week for a class.

Printing in the Labs

Laser printing is available in the labs. All lab printers are managed by the Payprint software system. Purchase a reusable print card from the vending machine in Engineering Gateway E1140 for $1.00, then black and white printing is $0.10 per page, color printing is available in Engineering Gateway for $.20 per page. Please note that you must add value to the card after purchase.


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Updated: May 25, 2006


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