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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago

Welcome. The login formula to get to your etudes class is http://profj.us/login and you cannot login until Sunday. 9/03 at 6 pm. login at http://lamission.edu/law/26f/ . Read about getting started at http://missionclasses.pbwiki.com/start and read the welcome message at http://paralegal.pbwiki.com/welcome and also http://profj.us/start

Please call Prof. J. at 818-415-2015 if you have any questions. Nice having you as a student, work hard, enjoy your classes, and contact your paralegal tutors at http://paralegaltutors.pbwiki.com They are very helpful and have gone through all the classes so they have "first hand" experience from a "student perspective". Always feel free to contact your online instructors or Prof. J.


inks that are important:

1. textbooks - http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks

2. our home page - http://lamission.edu/law

3. syllabus - http://profj.us/syllabus/syllabuslist.htm

4. due dates - http://www.profj.us/duedates/

5. class wikis - http://classwikis.pbwiki.com - some classes still being worked on

6. etudes - http://etudes.pbwiki.com/

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