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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

Flex 2006 - TO DO - http://flexday.pbwiki.com

  1. order food - get invoice from last year - In Progress - today 7-19
  2. check to see who is going to pay for food - LAMC Foundaton
  3. get time for math software presentation - contact susan.nassy@thomson.com
  4. talk to Phoebe about LRC presentation -
  5. do paperwork with Linda Solar on reservation of rooms DOME
  6. flyer for Flex Day - http://lamission.edu/staffdev/flexday2006
  7. SLO's - see http://missionoutcomes.pbwiki.com - plan with Gary and Angela - 7-25 at noon
  8. coordinate opening of CET - see http://missioncet.pbwiki.com - talk to Belinda and Hanh
  9. get signs ordered and installed for CET at LRC 234 and Faculty CET Alcove - talk to Richie Title V
  10. follow up with Sally about Flex Day Flyer at cubicle - DONE
  11. follow up on LAMC Foundation - Gary Bombalicki His phone number is 805-955-9471.
  12. grab-bag - Gary and David to purchase on 7/26
  13. check with Hanh Tran in IT about electronic login for faculty on Flex Day



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