January 2, 2007
TO: Chief Instructional Officers
Faculty and Staff Development Coordinators
Flex Calendar Coordinators
FROM: Carole Bogue-Feinour, Vice Chancellor
Academic Affairs Division
SUBJECT: Flexible Calendar Certification for 2007-08
The purpose of this memo is to provide instructions and information regarding the certification documents for the 2007-2008 Flexible (Flex) Calendar Program. Each college is required to report annually to the System Office the intended Flex Calendar activities scheduled for the coming academic year. Even if the college does not participate in the Flex Calendar Program, an annual certification is required to be on file with the System Office.
The due date for submission of this year’s completed certification package is July 1, 2007.
Please submit one signed certification for each college in your district. A complete certification package will consist of:
1. Signed certification document.
2. Proposed Flex Calendar activities sorted by the nine (9) statutory activities.
3. Proposed list of committee members by name, title, group representation.
If a college does not participate in the Flex Calendar Program please indicate such in the space provided and submit the certification by July 1, 2007.
Included with this message please find the certification document, the Flex Calendar Program activities document, and the committee member roster.
Questions regarding the Flex Calendar Program should be directed to the Flex Calendar Program Coordinator, Ken Nather (phone: (916) 322-9048; e-mail:
Completed certification packets should be sent to:
Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges
ATTN: Ken Nather, Academic Affairs Division
1102 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-6511
Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter.
cc: Ken Nather, Specialist, Academic Planning & Development
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