
College Council Report 4-20-06

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 10 months ago

Report to College Council on 4-20-06


1. College Handbook - Staff Development is starting a new project which is "Mission Possible" - the College handbook - see http://mission-possible.pbwiki.com for the handbook. At the College Retreat hopefully we can discuss how to break down this joint task.


2. Student Success Initiative Workshop - at Valley - May 5th - David Jordan attended the District SSI Stearing Committee for the SSI Workshop set for May 5th - see http://abogado.pbwiki.com/SSI - "Changing Colleges for Changing Students" - scheduled for May 5th at Valley College. Faculty and interested Classified are invited to attend.


3. Desktop Training Series - now has a new look, it is in the form of a "wiki" - easier to read and to navigate - it is located at http://desktop.pbwiki.com


4. Dedicated Faculty Training Area - Hanh Tran talked to David Jordan about setting up an alcove in the Faculty Offices, to the right, as you enter from the cafeteria to be dedicated for faculty training. These issues need to be discussed with Work Environment.


5. 11th Tech Ed - Pasadena - More than 30 faculty and classified the 11th Annual Tech Ed Conference in Pasadena on March 28,29, and 30th. A discount was obtained for $1500 which covered everyone who attended. The actual cost for 30 persons would have been $6450, so there as a savings of almost $5000. Much was learned - including blogs, wikis, and use of the digital camera and video in the classroom - a blog was set up at http://techedlamc.blogspot.com/

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