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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

Terry and Renee,


I have been closely monitoring the enrollment of my law classes, and although it is still early, about 7 weeks from the Fall Semester, I would like to make the following observations and recommendations.


Currently Law has 4 on campus classes, with a total of 12 students enrolled or an average of 3 students enrolled. It is clear in my mind that these sections will be canceled. I have seen a dwindling on campus enrollment in our Law program from Summer of 2002 when we went entirely online with our paralegal certificate, and it appears that students have decided to no longer come to class on campus, but to do the class online entirely (even our current on campus students have decided to do the online program - possibly because of the parking structure, but also time constraints and because we no longer offer all of the classes on campus now - so even on campus students must take online classes) -


To date, in the 9 online classes, there are 148 students registered or an average of 16.4 students per class.

I believe our average online class size for last semester was between 28-35 students per class.


I would make the following suggestions:

1. Wait until 9/05 and if the 4 on campus classes do not have 15 students, then cancel those classes.

2. Open up now 3 additional online classes, and I can promote these now to our current online students so we can get them filled. Online classes fill up earlier than traditional because students are required to start their classes "running" from 9/05.

3. In canceling the on campus class, Carol Kellogg is the only current on campus instructor who has been trained to teach online, and is currently teaching online, and she can be offered an online class which I believe she will take. Per article 40, a seniority list is established with online faculty, and the other on campus faculty, Ed Kellogg and Mike Hibler would not be offered an online class because they are not entitled to one.

4. In the winters and summers for the last 3 years we have only offered online classes, and we will continue with this in Winter and Summers of 2007.

5. I would like to convert the current program, which is on a semester system over to a 9 week system, and I will forward more details about that proposal.


I know that the galleys for winter and spring 2007 are due soon, so I will get you the proposal on the new 9 week accelerated online paralegal certificate as soon as possible.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call me on my cell phone.


I would like to get the online class sections issued as soon as possible from Bertha and Nery so I can start promoting them.


Thanks for your kind consideration in this matter.


below is the proposed action to take:





online & on campus


1. Law 1 - Business Law 1 - David Jordan - Online - # 0356

2. Law 1 - Business Law 1 - Carol Kellogg - On Campus - Sat. 9:30 - 12:10 pm Room # 0268

3. Law 2 - Partnerships and Corporations - Online - Barry Morinaka - # 0265

4. Law 10 - Intro to Law - David Jordan - Hybrid - on Campus-Internet Weds 5 -6:45 pm Room # 3405

5. Law 11- Civil Litigation - Manny Rose - Online # 0167

6. Law 11 - Civil Litigation - Ed Kellogg - On Campus - Mon. 7 - 10:10 pm - Room # 3115

7. Law 12 - Torts - David Jordan - Online - # 0355

8. Law 13- Wills and Trusts - Elise Lampert - Online # 0363

9. Law 13 - Wills and Trusts - Mike Hibler - On Campus - Tues. 7-10 pm Room # 6415

10. Law 17 - Legal Writing - David Jordan - Online - # 0368

11.Law 18 - Family Law - David Jordan - Online # 0376

12. Law 19 - Property and Creditor Rights -Richard Walker - Online # 0381

13. Law 34 - Legal Research Laboratory - David Jordan - Online - # 0387


CANCEL THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS on the first day of class - 9/05/06 if not more than 15 students

Law 1 - Kellogg Carol - on campus #0268 - Saturday

Law 10 - Jordan - on campus hybrid - LRC 205 - #3405

Law 11 - Kellog Ed - on campus Mon. #3115

Law 13- Hibler - on campus Tuesdays #6415



Law 10 - Intro to Law online - Jordan

Law 16 - Evidence - Rose - Online

Law 20 - Probate - Jordan



Law 1 - online #0356 change from Jordan to Kellogg Carol

Law 11 - onine - #0167 change from Rose to Jordan

Law 12 - online #0355 change from Jordan to Telanoff


LIST OF LAW CLASSES SHOWING THE CANCELATIONS - 4 on campus classes with low enrollment

Law 1 - Business Law 1 - change from David Jordan to Carol Kellogg - Online - # 0356

Law 1 - Business Law 1 - Carol Kellogg - On Campus - Sat. 9:30 - 12:10 pm Room # 0268 (canceled)

Law 2 - Partnerships and Corporations - Online - Barry Morinaka - # 0265

Law 10 - Intro to Law - David Jordan - online only - new online class

Law 10 - Intro to Law - David Jordan - Hybrid - on Campus-Internet Weds 5 -6:45 pm Room # 3405 (canceled)

Law 11- Civil Litigation - change from Manny Rose to David Jordan - Online # 0167

Law 11 - Civil Litigation - Ed Kellogg - On Campus - Mon. 7 - 10:10 pm - Room # 3115 - (canceled)

Law 12 - Torts - change from David Jordan to Adam Telanoff - Online - # 0355

Law 13- Wills and Trusts - Elise Lampert - Online # 0363

Law 13 - Wills and Trusts - Mike Hibler - On Campus - Tues. 7-10 pm Room # 6415 (canceled)

Law 16 - Evidence - Manny Rose - Online #TBA

Law 17 - Legal Writing - David Jordan - Online - # 0368

Law 18 - Family Law - David Jordan - Online # 0376

Law 19 - Property and Creditor Rights -Richard Walker - Online # 0381

Law 20 - Probate Law - David Jordan - online #TBA

Law 34 - Legal Research Laboratory - David Jordan - Online - # 0387


PROPOSED LIST OF LAW CLASSES FOR FALL 2006 - 12 sections vs 13 sections scheduled in Fall 2006 Catalog

1. Law 1 - Business Law 1 - Carol Kellogg - Online - # 0356

2. Law 2 - Partnerships and Corporations - Online - Barry Morinaka - # 0265

3. Law 10 - Intro to Law - David Jordan - online only #TBA

4. Law 11- Civil Litigation - David Jordan - Online # 0167

5. Law 12 - Torts - Adam Telanoff - Online - # 0355

6. Law 13- Wills and Trusts - Elise Lampert - Online # 0363

7. Law 16 - Evidence - Rose - Online #TBA

8. Law 17 - Legal Writing - David Jordan - Online - # 0368

9. Law 18 - Family Law - David Jordan - Online # 0376

10. Law 19 - Property and Creditor Rights -Richard Walker - Online # 0381

11. Law 20 - Probate Law - David Jordan - online #TBA

12. Law 34 - Legal Research Laboratory - David Jordan - Online - # 0387






David Jordan, Esq. - Attorney at Law - Director Los Angeles Mission College Paralegal Studies Program

13356 Eldridge Ave, Sylmar, Ca 91342-3200

cell phone - 818-415-2015, school - 818-364-7720 fax - 1-866-371-5519

paralegal program webpage - http://lamission.edu/law

Chair of Staff Development - http://lamission.edu/staffdev

Chair of DDL - http://lamission.edu/ddl

"desktop dave" - desktop training series - http://profj.us/desktop

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