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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

there are no instructions on the web page for the certificates



also the files are in zip format, which is extremely difficult for many students to open. they have to download the zip program first, and then open up the pdf file. I would be so much easier to just list the pdf files for each certificate by year, and then that would be easier for students to click on, open and print.


here are the instructions from Martha she found on her computer about the certificate process, and she added the last line to contact her. Martha and I will work on this check sheet and get back with everyone. thanks for pulling all of this together.









1. Go to www.lamission.edu


2. Click on “current student” Go under “student services” and click on “petition for certificates”


3. Select the year you have completed your certificate


4. Choose the Discipline for example “Addiction Studies”


5. Download the certificate petition you are applying. You will need two programs installed on your computer in order to open the links below:


¨ A compression/decompression utility - Free Download - used for opening "zipped" files. For Windows XP users: This version of windows comes loaded with a plug-in to view/open zipped files.


¨ Adobe Acrobat Reader - Free Download - used for opening and printing the individual petitions which are in the PDF format.




6. Print Petition


7. Fill out your personal and the requirement information. Make sure that you put your address where you want your certificate to be mail out. If something is not fill out the form will be rejected


8. Get signature of Department Chair or Vice-Chair of the Department


9. Take to Martha Lopez in the LRC 232












Student will bring the petition (signed and fill out) to Martha Lopez in the LRC 232




Martha will enter the student’s information on a database and make sure everything is filled out correctly. Then she will take petition to Ida in Admissions and Records.




Ida will verify the student’s grades. She will sign petition and she will returned it to Martha.




Martha will give the petition to the Dean for signature. If for some reason student gets denied their petition and she/he does not agree Martha will refer them to the Dean.




The Dean will return the petitions to Martha.




Martha will create a certificate or skill award. She will send certificate with petition attached to the department chair for signature.




Department chair will returned certificate with petition attached to Martha.




Martha will give certificate to the dean for signature.




Dean will return certificate signed.




Martha will make a copy of the certificate and petition for her files




Martha will returned original petition to Ida so she can annotated on the student’s transcript.




Martha will contact the student by e-mail, phone, or mail to let him/her know that certificate is ready to pick up




Martha will enter on database the date the certificate was picked up or mailed out.






David Jordan, Esq. - Attorney at Law - Director

Los Angeles Mission College Paralegal Studies Program

13356 Eldridge Ave, Sylmar, Ca 91342-3200

cell phone - 818-415-2015, school - 818-364-7720 fax - 1-866-371-5519

paralegal program webpage - http://lamission.edu/law

Chair of Staff Development - http://lamission.edu/staffdev

Chair of DDL - http://lamission.edu/ddl

"desktop dave" - desktop training series - http://profj.us/desktop

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