
Grading Rubric for a Case Brief


Name ____________________


Case Name _______________


Case Citation ______________



____ 20 points - are the facts clear, easy to understand, and succinct - the parties identified ?


____ 20 points - is the dispute between parties clearly outlined and framed ? (ISSUE)


____ 20 points - is the set of legal rules - cases and/or codes and legal operative language clearly defined



____ 20 points - are the arguments made by both sides, both parties clearly outlined, and the Court rationale



____ 20 points - is the significance (long lasting effect) of the case concisely described?


total points = 100


grading scale:__


20 points - yes, very well done

15 points - pretty good, but missing an element

10 points - some points but missing important elements

5 points - a little work done, but really misses the point and most of the elements