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Page history last edited by David Jordan 16 years, 1 month ago

Akin Odebunmi <akin.odebunmi@gmail.com>

thanks Akin

here is what we need to do

1. send me your certificate in the course management program you plan on using.

we have moodle, etudes ng and coursecompass now in place at Mission

2. please draw up a proposal and send it to me which includes the following

a. name of the class

b. topics covered and textbook

c. student learning outcomes for the class

d. syllabus for the class

e. list of assignments and online activities projects for the class

f. please look at our Business Curriculum and show how Bus 40 fits into the curriculum and what kind of certificate students might earn in business which would include the Bus. 40 class.

g. please list the types of jobs, job names, categories, titles or positions one could use Bus 40 class, or which would help students in getting those listed jobs.

h. provide some website examples of bus 40 classes taught at other institutions and how they tie into a business certificate.

We like to "connect all the dots" so to speak when we add new online classes and tie them in programatically to an end product that is useful for students looking for jobs in the marketplace. Bus. 40 should become part of some certificate, maybe 3-4 classes and become a mini certificate that students can obtain.

call me at 818-415-2015 if you have any questions, or you wish to discuss further.


Akin Odebunmi wrote:

Hello David,

I am writing to express my continued desire to teach Business 40 online at LA Mission College.

The Catalog Course description for Business 40: Business Project Management -

Students will study all phases of project management, learn the tools for bringing in projects on time and within budget.   Specific topics will include project life cycles, setting objectives, identifying activities and resources, work breakdown structures, work-flow, network analysis,  contingency planning,  scheduling, budgeting, work in progress and reporting.  Special emphasis will be placed on MS project.

I feel that this course helps the students tie in the business objectives of any given organization with the actual work the project attempts to accomplish. The projects can range from basic to complex or require minimum technical expertise to demanding a high level of technical expertise. Scenarios will be introduced where the project manager has to rely on resources with the expertise needed to ensure successful project completion.

Please let me know if there is any information you would like me to provide.

Thank you,

Akin Odebunmi


On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 8:20 PM, David Jordan <abogado@pacbell.net> wrote:

Please call me at 818-415-2015 so we can discuss you teaching Bus. 40 for us.



David Jordan, Esq. - Attorney at Law -  Director Los Angeles Mission College Paralegal Studies Program

13356 Eldridge Ave, Sylmar, Ca 91342-3200

cell phone = 818-415-2015, school = 818-364-7720 webpage = http://lamission.edu/law

Chair of Staff Development - http://lamission.edu/staffdev

Chair of DDL - http://lamission.edu/ddl

aka "desktop dave" - http://profj.us/desktop

David Jordan, Esq. - Attorney at Law - Director Los Angeles Mission College Paralegal Studies Program
13356 Eldridge Ave, Sylmar, Ca 91342-3200
cell phone = 818-415-2015, school = 818-364-7720
home law page - http://lamission.edu/law Chair of Distance Education Committee - http://lamission.edu/de Chair of Technology Committee - http://lamission.edu/facstaff/technology

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