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agenda for 4-06-06 meeting - monthly-dev


Date: 2006, Apr 05

From: dj


Staff Development Meeting tomorrow Thursday, April 6, 2006


1. Discuss Staff Development Training

to incorporate what we learned at Tech Ed - blogs, wikis, webpages, etc.


2. Discuss Faculty training area


3. Discuss Student Success Initiative


4. Discuss College Retreat on 4-21


minutes of 4-06-06 meeting


Date: 2006, Apr 06

From: dj


1. We discussed using a "wiki" to edit the existing, and out-dated Faculty Handbook - see http://profj.us/handbook


M/S/A that Staff Development will post the faculty handbook on a wiki, and work with other faculty to update the faculty handbook so that it can be ready for Fall 2006 Flex Day.


the wiki was established at http://faculty-handbook.pbwiki.com

and faculty were emailed and encouraged to help Staff Development in editing,updating and contributing to the wiki.


2. We discussed establishing a dedicated Faculty Training Area, possibly in LRC 205, or in faculty offices. DJ will contact Gary Prostak to discuss work environment issues for establishing such a dedicated training location.

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